
10 cool things to learn during the first year of engineering


The first year of engineering is probably the one that gets by the fastest. That is precisely why you need the first year of engineering survival guide to make sure you do things right. Your +2 years are chaotic and busy due to all the coaching centres and entrance exam preparations. College is the prize you earn at the end of that long road, and it is the start of something extraordinary. We also head to college in search of different things. Along the way, we end up making a home for ourselves in these colleges- a home away from home. Since the experience is entirely new, most people want tips for first-year students to help them make it through the first year. So here’s the first year of engineering survival guide to make sure you pick up some cool things in your first year.

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How do I survive the first year of engineering?

The first year of engineering can be the quickest, most challenging and most enjoyable year, depending on what you do during the year. It passes by quite quickly because you are taking in all the new experiences. You might find that you don’t have time for anything because everything goes by so fast. It might be the toughest because it could be your first time away from home. That is why having a first year of engineering survival guide can help. However, you need to focus on more than barely surviving the first year of engineering. Instead, the goal is to try to make the most of your first year. It is the time wherein you have the least amount of course work to handle. As a result, you will have more free time in hand to learn new things and explore different interests. 

What should I do in my first year of engineering?

Stepping into your first year can be quite exciting and daunting at the same time. Since this might be your first time away from home, you will need to be more responsible. Managing your new-found freedom in the most responsible way requires you to go out there and have some great life experiences. However, you also need to make sure you don’t overdo anything and hamper what is yet to come. The first year of engineering is mainly about getting out of your comfort zone and meeting new people. It is about finding new passions, exploring new interests and doing the most you can. This is also a period wherein you have enough time to focus on extracurriculars and join passion projects. So are you looking for some tips for first-year students to make it easier to get through engineering? Here’s the first year of engineering survival guide with tips on some cool things to learn during the first year to help you out.

Ten cool things to learn during the first year of engineering

1. Enjoy the little moments, like the summer before college

Most people fail to realise that the summer before they head to college will be the longest time they spend at home in a long time. Children should make the most of this time, and enjoy it as much as they possibly can. It will also be one of the last care-free, and stress-free summers you will have since the ones after this will feature deadlines, submissions and internships.

2. Learn to Cook

An essential life skill you will now need to possess is the ability to cook your food. The summer before the start of college is a great time to pick up a few cooking tips from your family. While eating out seems glamorous and fun at first, it can quickly become tedious, unhealthy and expensive. In case you are planning to shift out to an apartment while in college, knowing how to cook can save you a lot of money.

3. Explore your branch, but don’t feel locked in

Try to learn more about the branch you have chosen for yourself and explore what lies ahead for you. You could also look at career prospects, opportunities for higher studies and exciting fields that come with the major. However, since most colleges nowadays allow for branch changes after the first year, don’t feel locked in. Understand that you do have the option to change streams if you think it isn’t working out. To do that, you will need to maintain an excellent academic record, so make sure you do that, just to stay on the safe side.

4. Join clubs and have fun

The first year is a great time to explore and build other talents. Try to go around your campus and take it all in. Also, join as many clubs as possible and see what works for you. This will help you figure out which ones to focus on for the rest of your college years. Try to pick up new skills and better yourself as an individual through these clubs. They will also help you meet new people, make friends and create some unforgettable memories. 

5. Pick up a hobby

While academics are very important, focusing solely on that is a sure-fire way to increase your stress. Everyone needs something to help them unwind and focus their extra energy on. It could be anything from signing to theatrics, but just make sure you find something like that for yourself. Such hobbies also force you to step out of your room and explore your campus, helping you stay sane and refreshed. 

6. Try new things

A lot of people I know went to college and stuck to the same stuff they have been doing since high-school. They went and joined the same clubs, looked for the same type of friends and stuck to the same schedule. Don’t do this. Have fun and explore a little, and find time to try new things. Join an acapella club if you’ve always been an actor, try your hand at sports if you have only ever done wrestling. The first year allows you to start afresh without any pressure on your back, so make the most of it.

7. Use your freedom, responsibly

This might be the first time you are staying so far away from home. That essentially means that this might be the first time in your life you don’t have your parents’ prying eyes on you. While that gives you a lot of freedom, it also makes you responsible for yourself. Your actions in your first-year gas the power to make or break you, and mould you into the person you will become. So, make sure you use your freedom responsibly to grow as an individual, rather than to wreak havoc.

8. Ask for help

Most students want to do everything alone in their first year to make the most of their independence. While this is a good thing in small amounts, overdoing it can be risky. There might be subjects you don’t fully understand. If you feel like you are falling behind, don’t be too shy or afraid to ask for help. Reach out to seniors or batchmates who seem to have it all figured out to make sure you have your basics covered. Neglecting your academics so early on can result in significant problems as you go through the years, and things start getting more challenging and more complicated. 

9. Explore your campus

Certain engineering colleges are huge, spread across acres of land. Use your first year to explore every nook and corner of your campus, so you never feel out of place or lost. The best way to fit into a place is to understand its layout completely. Not only will this help you feel more at home, but it will also ensure you are never doubtful of where your classes are. A bonus is that you will be the go-to person for locating events and classes within your group. Also, who knows? Maybe your college has a secret cafeteria that serves the best vada pav or oreo shake!

10. Call home, and Stay You!

Lastly, and most importantly, make sure you call your parents whenever you get a chance. While it is great that you have found your independence, understand that the times are strange for your parents too. They have been so used to you being around, that this arrangement is weird for them too. Keep them in the loop regarding your activities at college and make sure you keep your connection to home intact. Also, while you should grow as an individual in college, don’t try to be whatever is cool or in at the time. Everyone experiences peer pressure at some point in time. Don’t give in to it and do stuff you don’t want to. Try to be the best version of yourself, rather than a version of someone else!

Another critical step to surviving college is seeking out additional opportunities that help you grow. This means you need to find new methods to grow and evolve as a person, and this includes working on your projects and certifications. However, you don’t need to worry about this because we have you covered! Reach out to Skyfi Labs for all your engineering needs because we have projects and certification courses for all the engineering streams out there. That’s it for now, head to college and make sure you have the time of your lives.

10 cool things to learn during the first year of engineering
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-12

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