Internet of Things

Good online courses on IoT for enthusiasts


The Internet of Things, better known as IoT, is an industry that is booming. The number of connected devices around the world is growing at an exponential rate, with the number standing at 8.4 billion devices in 2017. As per a recent report by Gartner, by 2020, the number of devices that support IoT will be somewhere around 20.8 billion, making it one of the most important technologies for young engineers to be familiar with. As the concept of smart and connected cars, homes, buildings, and residential complexes become more and more widespread, more developers are needed to keep such technology updated and relevant. Therefore, now, more than ever before, the world needs a good share of smart researchers who know about IoT technologies and advancements. Hence, this is the best time to get into this industry, which is well on its way into being one of the forerunners in the race to the future. Here’s a look at everything you need to know about good online courses teaching IoT.

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1. IoT (Career Building Course)

2. Home Automation using IoT

3. Smart Irrigation System

4. Smart Building using IoT

5. IoT using Arduino

6. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

7. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

8. Smart Water Monitoring

9. Automated Street Lighting

10. IoT Training & Internship

11. Home Automation System using IoT & Raspberry Pi

How Can I learn IoT Technology?

An IoT developer is someone who has multi-disciplinary skills in areas such as security building interface, networking, systems, and computer engineering, cloud computing and hardware maintenance. Hence, anyone interested in the field of IoT needs to develop their skills in multiple fields so that they can be flexible and play several roles within the team. The four main stages of developing an IoT device, are as follows:

  1. Hardware assembly which requires engineering and mechanical skills
  2. Programming which requires the interfacing of sensors and processing of data collected
  3. Programming of the server which requires the knowledge of languages such as PHP, ASP.NET, and MySQL
  4. Displaying the data by creating a web page or app which requires Web-Dev skills and experience working with PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS

Here are a few tips for young IoT enthusiasts who want to teach themselves the fundamentals and advanced concepts in IoT.

  • Before you begin your journey into the field of IoT, make sure you have a good understanding of sensors and their working, because they are some of the most important components of IoT devices.
  • Furthermore, having a background in electronics or computer science engineering will help IoT enthusiasts understand how such devices work.
  • Pick up memberships in professional organizations such as IEEE to keep yourself updated regarding all the innovations in the field of electronics and sensor technology.
  • Get yourself some inexpensive sensors and beginner kits to practice your skills on your own and grow as a result.
  • Enroll in some online courses to clear your doubts and learn more advanced topics. This will also help you gain some in-depth hands-on experience in the field.
  • While developing devices, always make sure you focus on the user interface, as it is important the devices are easy to use and user-friendly.
  • To become a good IoT developer, you need to have adept coding skills. Therefore, try to teach yourself JavaScript and Python to get started.
  • Also, experiment with technologies like Arduino and Raspberry Pi whenever you get the chance. Create IoT devices and test out new technologies so that you gain experience handling them.
  • Find a community that has people who have similar interests so that you get to explore, develop, and refine your ideas.

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Things that every IoT enthusiast should know

IoT involves a web of devices that can interact with each other via the internet. Most of these devices have in-built sensors in them to help gauge the environment in which the devices are placed. These devices are also connected to a common platform from which they may be accessed and their data collected. Everything from smart cars to self-switching street lights makes use of this technology to become more efficient and user-friendly. As an IoT enthusiast, here’s a look at the top things you must know.

  • IoT is a vision, and not technology as it is about reducing the cost and increasing the efficiency of systems. Hence, developers must be able to see IoT as an ecosystem that breeds productivity and integrates technology with ease.
  • IoT platforms are technologically significant as they help with the seamless integration of hardware and software.
  • While designing devices, developers must be careful in identifying problems, intensifying the source code, monitoring and managing the device and maintaining the device through constant software updates and repairs.
  • Safety and security must also be important priorities while designing IoT devices as at the end of the day, such devices are used by ordinary people, and work within the service sector. Privacy and data security of the user must also not be compromised.
  • Developers must try to design devices so that they can be used by both companies and customers. Hence, as a developer, your focus must be on making the lives of people easier through technology.

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How to build Internet of Things projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Internet of Things Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Internet of Things today!

Significance of IoT

The Internet of Things may bring about the next industrial revolution, and will play a huge role in transforming society by establishing a new, more efficient ecosystem for humanity. Such an IoT-enabled world will see the use of more personalized services as such devices help in gauging the needs of people. They also help with resource allocation by ensuring that only the bare minimum resources are used to complete a task.

IoT will help in ushering in a technological revolution by drawing more people into the digital world by changing their lives. As the world gets more connected, the global IoT industry will grow exponentially in the years to come, with more than 70 percent of companies planning to switch to IoT solutions by 2020. By 2021, Bain predicts that the industry will be worth US$ 520 billion which is more than double it was worth in 2017. India is also rapidly growing as an IoT hub and as per Deloitte, the industry will grow over 32 times to reach 1.9 billion devices by 2020. As a result, the market will be worth over US$ 9 billion by 2020 through the use and adoption of sensors, networks, and Artificial Intelligence.

Good online courses on IoT for enthusiasts

Now we know how important IoT technology will be in the future, how do we ensure that we are kept updated regarding new trends? How do IoT enthusiasts build their skills in this field? The best way to do so would be enrolling in good quality online courses to build their skills and experience. Here’s a look at the various projects that come under this IoT online course and what it will help you learn about IoT.

1. Home Automation using IoT

This IoT online course is a great way to get started with the field of IoT. Use this course to learn about all the ways you can automate your house and make it more energy-efficient and secure. This includes everything from smart lights to mobile-controlled fans and switches, helping you make your home more user-friendly and comfortable to live in.

Learn more about Home Automation


2. Smart Irrigation using IoT

The field of agriculture is one that can undergo several changes due to the advent of IoT. One of the biggest changes is explored through this project which makes use of sensors to effectively water the plants and crops. This technique ensures the rightful use of water and prevents unnecessary wastage of resources.

Learn more about smart irrigation


3. Surveillance camera using IoT

We all want to make sure our loved ones are safe. Here’s your shot of making sure all the people you love are safe and secure by making use of Raspberry Pi. Through this online course, learn to set up an IoT enabled surveillance camera that can be used to constantly watch your loved ones to keep them safe from danger.

Learn more about Surveillance Camera


4. Smart Building using IoT

Smart houses and buildings are no longer a thing or dream for the future, but are rather, the realities of today. Through this IoT online course, learn about the different ways in which you can improve the efficiency of your home and turn it into an energy-efficient and user-friendly abode.

Learn more about Smart Building


5. Water monitoring system

We have all heard about how the next big war will be fought for water. Hence, it is very important that we do everything we can to ensure that no water is wasted in our day to day lives. This IoT online course will help you build a smart system that uses just the right amount of water.

Learn more about Water Monitoring System


6. Automated street lighting

Energy is precious and must be conserved. Through this IoT online course, help the environment and do your part by creating a smart street light system that switches off when the sunlight becomes bright enough.

Learn more about Automated Street Lighting


We at Skyfi Labs have developed some IoT online courses, the highlight with our course is you can learn and build IoT projects right from your home. The components required to build the project will be shipped to your doorstep and you can complete the project by using the kit and the online tutorials.

Explore all IoT online courses

If you have any suggestions, kindly let us know in the comments.

Good online courses on IoT for enthusiasts
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-03-13

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