Summer Camp for Kids

Online coding summer camps for kids


The summer vacations are around the corner and so is the season of learning. It is the period in which your kids get the opportunity to take a break from their hectic and fast study schedule. The competition going on in today's world to become first do no let students to learn something extra in normal days. But vacations are the only time when they can learn new and exciting things that provides them with an extra edge over others.

Many things are emerging nowadays in the form of extra skills and talent. But the most popular one is coding for kids as it opens multiple doors of opportunities for them. Due to the exponential rise of technology, it can easily be predicted that it will reach maximum heights in the forthcoming times. This is why the concept of an online summer camp for coding comes into the picture.

However, even in the world of programming, there are multiple things. Therefore, to provide you with deep insight here is all you need to about learning opportunities in computer coding for kids. Read ahead to find all the necessary details related to online summer camp before enrolling your kids.

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Why every kid should learn to code?

So, this is one of the most encountered doubts of parents while the thing of summer camps for kids. Generally, all the school-going children are focused on a certain field. They want to study and want to get employed in that field only. But coding is a skill that might be helpful in every field. Right from web development to designing apps, programming is involved. Also, with the help of coding skills, your child can develop something new and innovative on his/her own.

This why the introduction of computer coding for kids is taken as an important initiative. Many top-class schools and universities have already adopted it as a part of their curriculum to develop the analytical thinking of students. At last, learning to code depends on the interest and choice of a child and his parents. But the reason behind the popularity of virtual summer camp for coding is its creativity and ability to generate higher employment.

In the present world, we all are surrounded by technologies like computer and phone and use it in our daily life, and so does our children. So, coding will help the child to understand the logic behind the technology.

Coding creates carrier opportunities: The way technology is playing an important role in every field. In future, not knowing coding will be like not knowing how to read. Some basic computer skills are going to be required in every field. So, knowing coding will create many carrier opportunities for your kids.

Coding makes kids smarter: Coding requires logic, so it will help your child to learn how to use logic in proper required places. Hence, coding will make your kids smarter.

Coding helps kids to think out of the zone: Coding helps kids to increase their thinking capability and let them think many stuffs out of the box. It also helps kids to be creative.

The action of maths: Coding shows the proper practical use of maths and makes kids understand the importance of maths.

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Benefits of Summer Camps

After reading all these, you might have a question that why you should opt this online summer camp program for your kids. Therefore, we will discuss the benefits of summer camps.

Since, in this busy schedule, students get some time for themselves in vacations. Therefore, rather than sitting at home and doing nothing is a waste of time. So, they should participate in a virtual summer camp just from their home.

  • Helps to learn and interact: Online summer camp, will help your kids to interact with unknown friends and teacher and hence, they can increase their interaction potential. Often, many kids are introvert and find difficulty in interacting with people. So, this is goanna definitely help them a lot.
  • Summer camps spark passion: Generally, the coursebook which is provided to kids, some of them are being loved and some are being hated by them. So summer camps help your kids to find the field in which they are interested. Hence the kids can look for their passion at an early age.
  • Summer camps help kids to learn more knowledge and facts: The main purpose of every camp is to provide their students more and more knowledge. So, your kid will learn and explore many informational things which they don’t get from their course books.
  • Makes smarter and confident: We all know lacking confidence makes anyone looks like dump whether they are intelligent or not. So, summer camp will help your kid to become smarter and confident.

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How to build Summer Camp for Kids projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Summer Camp for Kids Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
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Online Coding Summer Camp for Kids

Online coding summer camp is a virtual camp, in which kids can learn many courses. We will discuss each course below.

1. Coding starter summer camp: In this coding summer camp, any child above the age of 8 can participate. This course will help your kid, to learn the concepts behind coding and technologies from basics. Your kid will develop the following projects with the help of scratch-based block programming, Peagaus, greeting card, dance party, fight sequence and so on.

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2. Coding Explorer Summer Camp: This is the best course for your child to explore in coding and to develop more skill in coding. This is course is for the children of age 11 and above. This coding summer camp is definitely going to help your kid to learn more and more concept. It will help your kid to develop various projects like Freddy the cat, Ping-pong game, Treasure hunter, flappy bird, etc.

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3. Coding Champion Summer Camp: If your kid knows little bit coding and have a deep interest to know more, this is the perfect course for your kid to master skills in coding. Kids of age above 14 years can participate in this course. Through this course, your kid will learn many concepts and develop his/her first mobile application. As part of this course, your kid will develop the following applications with the help of MIT app inventor, text to speech app, messenger app, GPS location app, video player app, etc.

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All these summer camps will happen in live 1:1 class, where our expert will interact and teach all the concepts for your kid alone. As soon as, you enrol your kid for the course, the software related to this course will be provided in 24 hrs.

It is also going to help your kid to develop projects from scratch. After the completion of the camp, every kid will be awarded a smart certificate. Therefore, this is the perfect course for your kid if he or she is a beginner for coding.

One more best thing about this course is that you can choose the schedule of the online coding classes for your kid according to your and your kid comfort.

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Online coding summer camps for kids
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2024-05-09

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