
Personality Prediction using Resume - data mining project

HR managers in big companies are facing difficulties in hiring the right candidate for a particular job profile due to the high volume of applications. Also, the hiring process takes lots of time and workforce. Data mining techniques can be used in the hiring process to overcome this problem. In this data mining project, you will learn to build a model that will help the Human resource department to shortlist the right candidate for a particular job position.

This model will predict the personality of the candidate based on the details provided in the resume/CV. Personality prediction system selects the best candidate by ranking the CV based on the candidate’s experience, skillset, qualification, and other important aspects that are required for the job position. 

Basically, the personality prediction system extracts the unstructured data from resumes and transforms it into a structured format. And ranks the resumes based on the job description provided by the company comparing with the extracted information.

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Advantages of Personality prediction data mining project

  • This system helps companies to hire expert candidates which result in the growth of the company
  • It saves a lot of time of the Human resource department by simplifying the hiring process
  • Helps HR to shortlist resumes quickly based on the job description

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Modules used in this Personality prediction data mining project:

In this data mining project, there are two main modules Admin and Candidate:

Admin module - 

Login: Requires valid username and password to login into the system

Add personality, aptitude questions and job details: Admin can add the job description like salary, experience, position, etc. and can also add aptitude questions to evaluate the candidates.

Preferred Resumes: Admin can add some preferred CV models to shortlist the scanned ones.

Scan Resumes: Admin can scan the documents received from the candidates which will undergo the process of shortlisting based on the company’s requirement. 

Shortlisted Resumes: All the shortlisted CV’s will be displayed here. 

View candidates: Admin can view all the candidates with details

View result: Individual candidates results will be displayed here which makes it easy for admin to select the desired candidate

Candidate module - 

Registration: Makes candidate fill-up the form, upload their CV and create login credentials to access the system.

Login: Need to login with valid ID and password to proceed further.

Test: Candidate have to go through the test prepared by the admin

Results: Results are displayed after the completion of the test

Personality prediction system methodology

  • Lexical analysis
  • Syntactic analysis
  • Semantic analysis
  • Disclosure integration
  • Pragmatic analysis

Processes used:

NLP (Natural Language Processing) is the process of manipulating natural language (like text or speech) using software

NLU (Natural Language Understanding) is a category of natural language processing that translates inputs based on natural language principles

NLG (Natural Language Generation) involves generating language from non-language inputs.

This personality prediction system using CV analysis will be very helpful for the Human resource department in selecting the right candidate for the company. This project shows the application of data mining in the recruitment process.

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Kit required to develop Personality Prediction using Resume - data mining project:
Technologies you will learn by working on Personality Prediction using Resume - data mining project:
Personality Prediction using Resume - data mining project
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-07-02

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