Web Development

ToDo Web app using Django

In this python tutorial, we are going to use a powerful python web framework and are going to design the ToDo web application from scratch. Python is a high-level general-purpose language that is used for various purposes like web development, game development, machine learning, data science, etc. Websites like Quora, Google, Dropbox, Youtube, etc are developed using the Python programming language. By developing this Django project, you will understand the MVC framework (Model View Controller) which is used in most of the web development projects. You will also develop hands-on experience on Django, a popular Python web development framework. 

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What is Django?

Django is a python based open-source web framework that provides a set of components to develop websites fast. The primary goal of Django is to ease the creation of complex database-driven websites.

Advantages of Django

  • It uses python which is a major advantage where python is very easy to read and powerful as well. 
  • Provides better Content Delivery Network and Content Management because of this reason social applications like Instagram, Facebook is using Django. 
  • Django uses MTV architecture which is different from the other frameworks and makes the process of transmitting over the internet faster and easier.
  • Offers great security as Django uses the GET method to transmit the data and encrypt the password and other important information with a long security key. 
  • Django was supported by a large community thus developers can easily develop a custom web application by making use of these resources available in the community. 

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ToDo web app using Django project implementation

First, download and install python from the official website. After installing python, open CMD in windows, Terminal on Linux, and Mac. Now type the following command to install Django

pip install Django

Django uses MVT (Model View Template) which is different from MVC (Model View Controller). Let's briefly look into it.

Model: It sets up the schema for the database. Using Django’s Object-Relational mapping, you can declare field types, fields, and other extra data. 

View: Using view you can retrieve some results from the database or manipulate some data. Basically, it expects a request and response. 

Template: It is the plain HTML code with Django’s Template Language in it. 

Settings: It consists of all the settings of the web application. It includes template directories, secret keys, static files (javascript, CSS), database settings, and so on. 

URL: It helps you to connect the view to a URL.

Admin: This helps you to change the view of models in Django

Now we will create the ToDo application by creating a project on Django using the below command:

django-admin.py startproject todoapp

After creating the project create the application using the following command:

manage.py startapp todolist

After creating the project you can run and view it in the browser using the URL. Now set up the database. Django supports a wide range of databases such as MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, and oracle. 

Create Categories:

To create categories type the URL in the browser and log in with the required details. After logging in with the help of the Django admin interface you can add categories like General, work, personal, school, and many others.

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Kit required to develop ToDo Web app using Django:
Technologies you will learn by working on ToDo Web app using Django:
ToDo Web app using Django
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-07-03

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