Embedded Systems

Fall Detection system for Elderly

As the old age comes closer, the pain of every accident we ever had started to increase but in this age, if they fall that might lead to some serious operations.

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To prevent such kind of deadly scenarios we can use a device to predict these kinds of circumstances and keep our elderly safe and in case of emergencies can be used to inform the ambulance without wasting any time. Here the network of smart sensors is being used to monitor the person to keep them safe. The structure of the proposed fall detection system whose core structure is based on a Microprogrammed controller unit. The accelerometer sensor along with cardio tachometer is integrated on one single board, recording real-time acceleration and pulse rate. Both acceleration and pulse rate are first captured using an analog-to-digital converter. Then the digital signal is transmitted to the MCU for further processing. The heart rate is captured by a pulse pressure sensor and also passed directly to the MCU and the location is detected using GPS and communicated using GSM. The message can be set to reach the nearest hospital and the relatives. The message contains latitude and longitude values of accident place. Thus, wearable sensor-based methods are considered in this research. By using information from an Accelerometer and cardio tachometer, the impacts of falls can successfully be distinguished from activities of daily lives reducing the false detection of falls. This system has a set value to distinguish a high fall detection rate and low false detection rate

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Project Requirements:

    The whole system is knitted around a micro programmed controller unit which takes input from various sensors and determines the necessary course of action. For these we will require various sensors and electronics like:

  1. Accelerometer Sensor:to record the day to day movements and sense the change in acceleration which can happen in case of accidents.
  2. Cardio Tachometer:to keep in check with the heart rate of the person sitting on the chair.
  3. GPS Sensor:GPS sensor to send the exact coordinates of the person in case of any mishappening.
  4. GSM Sensor:to send the message to hospital and loved ones about the location and vital information of the person for suitable course of action.

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Project Implementation:

    The process of the system or working of the system is very simple the network of the data is always connected to network and sensors are continuously taking the reading if the acceleration didn’t increase but the heart rate reached over threshold value call the caretakers. Now next step if acceleration passed the threshold and heart rate didn’t pass over threshold call relatives but in situations when both heart rate and acceleration passed threshold value call an ambulance. For each condition, we need to set different thresholds. Now when the calibration is done we have to test this on the real person with different scenarios

    System should be tested under the following 3 conditions:

  1. Person Heart rate has increased but no fall has occurred then the message to caretaker is delivered.
  2. Person Heart rate is normal but fall has occurred then the message to the relative is delivered.
  3. Person Heart rate has increased & fall has occurred then message to the hospital is delivered.

Software requirements:

  1. Arduino IDE:software used for dumping firmware that was created for the Arduino Board to control the data feed of all the sensor and send messages
Kit required to develop Fall Detection system for Elderly:
Technologies you will learn by working on Fall Detection system for Elderly:
Fall Detection system for Elderly
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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