Latest Projects Based on Arduino

The following projects are based on arduino. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using arduino.

1. Rescue Robot and Pipeline Inspection using Zigbee

Rescue Robot and Pipeline Inspection using Zigbee

Often, we hear a lot of news on child being fallen into the borehole that is left uncovered. And it is very difficult to rescue the trapped children. This project provides an efficient solution for this. Through this project you will be designing a robot that is capable of moving inside the pipe according to the user commands.

2. GSM based Home Automation System with IoT

GSM based Home Automation System with IoT

Among most of trending topics, home automation is one the eye catching concept where R&D is happening at a very high rate. If we are talking about home automation, we will obviously go for wireless communication like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi technology, GSM technology. Among these things most effective communication is GSM, because it can be operated from very long distance and Output will be very accurate because we are going to control all the household devices by an SMS using GSM modem. This modem uses a SIM card and operates through a subscription with the mobile operator.

3. Cell Phone Controlled Home Appliances

Cell Phone Controlled Home Appliances

In today’s world, Automation is one of the most trending topic for Research and Development. Through this project, you will develop a system that can control appliances we use every day like Fans, Lights, TV’s etc. and with this system, you can switch those devices on and off with your Smart Phone and we can store those devices present status (either switched on or switched off) automatically into a remote cloud and we can access them into our mobile or Systems from anywhere from the world.

4. RFID Security System

RFID Security System

The security system is more essential in homes, offices, banks, storage place, industries, etc…Lock system starts from the initial stage use the different materials shape, size, etc... Even in the software having the lock system to save the files from the unwanted files, to keep the files safe from the other.

5. Gesture Based Wheel chair

Gesture Based Wheel chair

Mostly Physically Handy-capped people always face trouble in moving from one place to another place. Through this project, you are going to create a unique wheelchair which can be controlled with the Wrist movements using an accelerometer.

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6. Fingerprint based Voting system

Fingerprint based Voting system

The most severe and frequently happening situations while conducting elections is rigging (One person give multiple votes). Right now, we are using an electronic voting machine and to identify people who already gave their vote, people will be given an ink mark on the finger. But today because of rapid development in technology, that can be erased and there is a chance of rigging. Through this project, you are going to create a unique Fingerprint based Voting system in order to avoid the above-mentioned problem.

7. Power Generation from Footpaths

Power Generation from Footpaths

One of the most trending and curious topics in the field of power generation from natural resources is the power generation from footsteps. Generally, people who want themselves to be fit and healthy, go for jogging, walking. If we carefully observe, there is a lot of energy which had been dissipated by them. Whenever people run or walk, practically they are applying pressure on the ground to move. Through this project, you are going to convert that energy into Storable power. The Power which is stored in the battery will be used to Glow the street light.

8. Wrist Controlled Robotic Arm

Wrist Controlled Robotic Arm

As there is rapid development in the industries, manual operations for the repeated works has been replaced completely by automation through Robotic Arms. The introduction of these Robotic Arm is a major change which entirely changed the look of an industry. Generally, these Robotic Arm will be pre-programmed for the tasks to which they are going to assign. Now Imagine there is a robotic arm which can be controlled by the wrist (whenever you move your fingers, accordingly the Robotic arm will move). Isn’t it great?? Definitely. Through this project, you are going to create a unique Robotic Arm which can be controlled by your own wrist.

9. Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industry using IoT

Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Industry using IoT

There are many industries with different production lines and some of the process in industries cannot be monitored by human near the production line. The industry may be a small scale or a huge one there are some restricted areas that has to be monitored. There are different process running in each industry, but the security and the safety of the industry is the same in every industry.

10. Water Jet Cutting Tool

Water Jet Cutting Tool

Water jet cutting method is one of the material removal type of rapid prototyping technique (RPT) which is been widely used in the automotive and aerospace industry to produce the complex and precise shape on a metal with minimum time and least effort being used.

11. Gesture Controlled Walking Robot

Gesture Controlled Walking Robot

Robotics is one of the trending topics today. There are many ways in which we can control the robot. One of the top technology of controlling Robot is using Human Gestures. Through this project you are going to create Walking Robot which can be controlled using your own Hand Gestures.

12. Mobile Controlled Walking Robot

Mobile Controlled Walking Robot

Today one of the common thing for all of us is Mobile or Smart Phone. Imagine there is robot which can be operated by your smart phone. Isn’t is cool?? Through this project you are going to build a unique walking robot which can be controlled by any smart phone.

13. Voice Controlled Walking Robot

Voice Controlled Walking Robot

Everything in this world is becoming controllable by your mobile as technology is changing day by day. A similar tech which is going to change world in terms of automation is Voice control. Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can be controlled by your Voice commands.

14. Wi-Fi Controlled Walking Robot

Wi-Fi Controlled Walking Robot

Imagine there is a Robot which can be controlled from anywhere in the world. Is it possible?? Yes, it is possible with Wi-Fi Technology. Through this project you are going to build a unique Walking Robot which can be controlled using Wi-Fi.

15. RFID based Ration Machine

RFID based Ration Machine

Today in India, Most of the people are getting products like Rice, Kerosene, Sugar etc. at low cost from government as Ration every month. Generally there will be a man who will scan the fingerprint and eyes for issuing the Ration. So usually it will take lot of time. So Imagine there is a machine where once you scanned your card, you will get products you want. Through this project you are going to create a unique Ration Machine based on the RFID Cards.



Recent times all the drones are coming along with the obstacle avoidance technology where it can able to sense any kind of obstacle by using the sensors. This technology protects the drone from crashing.

17. Gesture Controlled Drone

Gesture Controlled Drone

Gesture recognition technology helps you to communicate or control any other devices via your hand gestures. From this technology, you can control the drone simply by moving your hands.

18. Voice Controlled Drone

Voice Controlled Drone

For a flying drone, people should have minimum knowledge of the flying skill then only they can able to fly properly without crashing, but it's not possible for all the people. If it is voice controlled means anyone can fly without any skill.

19. Sign Language Translator

Sign Language Translator

Sign languages are languages which are used to convey messages using manual communication like simultaneous hand gestures, movement, and orientation of fingers, arm or body movements, and facial expressions. These languages are mainly used by deaf and dumb community. There are many types of sign languages, but the universal sign language is used all over the world.

20. Whiskers based Robot

Whiskers based Robot

The whiskers are highly sensitive tactile hairs that grow on muzzle of animals, some animals like cats and dogs have these whiskers even on ears, jaws and forelegs. The whiskers when brushed to any object the animals can detect the precise location, size and texture of the object in the dark. This natural type of sensors can be used in robots to detect any obstacle in the dark.

21. How to Build an Stair Climbing Robot?

How to Build an Stair Climbing Robot?

The robots which are based on wheels can move only on flat surface, and even when there is a hurdle in front of any wheel the robot cannot cross the hurdle or go on it. What if the robot can not only be able to cross the hurdle but also can climb the stairs. In this project idea you will be able to start building a robot that can cross any hurdles.

22. Air Pollution Detector

Air Pollution Detector

Air pollution consists of chemicals or particles in the atmosphere that causes serious health and environmental health but what causes air pollution for our planet. Most of the air pollution comes from human activities very least are from natural activities like a volcano eruption. Most of the harmful gases formed are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfates, nitrates, through Greenhouse gases, smog, toxic pollutants like lead and mercury now the question is do we have a solution? In this project, you are going to make an air pollution detector by using an Arduino and some air quality sensors. You need one Arduino Uno, LCD display, and 5-volt power supply


23. Noise Pollution Detector

Noise Pollution Detector

Noise is basically an unwanted sound(>90db)One more type of pollution that harms the environment and living entities in a big way is Noise pollution. It's a machine created unpleasant noise which disrupts the human or animal life construction, transportation, railway, aircraft noise. these increase in high-pressure waves can cause you high blood pressure, headaches, hypertension.

24. Water Pollution Detector

Water Pollution Detector

Water is the bases of life and only a tiny share of water all the water on earth is fresh and renewable. More than 97% of water is salty to drink.another 2% is locked up in ice form and glacier. Less than 1% ii left for Drinking, Agriculture, Industry, and nature. Water is a global issue but it's also a very local issue.

25. IOT Based Health Monitor Using Arduino

IOT Based Health Monitor Using Arduino

Monitoring the various parameters of the patient in hospital using the internet of things.Health Monitoring system is based on the internet of things ,the patient data is sends to the cloud server ,stores on the particular channel.

26. IOT Based Air Pollution detector using Arduino

IOT Based Air Pollution detector using Arduino

In this IoT project you will use Arduino and gas sensors to build a pollution detector which helps to have a track over the surrounding environment.

Arduino is the education based product,open source,easy to learn programming,compact and implementation using this air pollution controls on the internet of things and alert signal when the pollution level goes high.

27. Alcohol Detection

Alcohol Detection

Nowadays many accidents are happening because of the alcohol consumption of the driver or the drunk person is driving the vehicle by self. The drunk driving vehicle is a major reason for accidents in most countries all over the world.

28. Arduino Controlled Electro-Pneumatics Crane

Arduino Controlled Electro-Pneumatics Crane

About the project

As we all know different branches existing in the engineering. Today we are in an era of fusion of such branches like mechanical combined with electronics is mechatronics, linkages with electronics lead to robots and so on. Similarly, there is another interesting type fusion of such of two different branches i.e. electronics and pneumatics.

29. Smart Energy Saver

Smart Energy Saver

There is a lot of electricity loss in homes due to the fans and lights that are kept on even when no one is present in the room. My idea is basically to inform a user that when he leaves his/her home if any of the basic appliances like the fans or lights, televisions, fans or air conditioners are left on accidentally, which are the basic and major electricity consuming appliances of our house. Some appliances like televisions and air conditioners consume electricity even when just their switchboard switches are on, it isn't much but a cumulative sum of a 1000 houses with the same condition would be a large enough number.

30. How to Build an Automatic Street Light Controller

How to Build an Automatic Street Light Controller

Did you ever think that how the street lights automatically turn ON in the night and turn OFF automatically at morning? Is there any person who comes to ON/OFF these lights? The following circuit that described below which perform this job automatically. This circuit employed the output from an uncomplicated light/dark activated circuit and oblige a relay in its output which can be further attached to switch ON/OFF a street light and electrical application in a household also.Automatic street light control is used to control the street lights(Turn on and off based on the light).

31. Respeaker Home Automation

Respeaker Home Automation

Probably you all heard about ReSpeaker, it is a hackable open hardware voice interface. It is a development board based on Mediatek MT7688 WiFi module and runs on OpenWrt. You an program it using Arduino, Python, Node.js, Lua and C/C++. ReSpeaker also supports various hardware add-ons like Groove Expansion, Microphone Array, etc... I am one of the early beta user of ReSpeaker.

32. Electromagnetic Catapult controlled using Arduino

Electromagnetic Catapult controlled using Arduino

We all know about the golden rule spoken about in aeronautical domain. “Take off is optional but landing is mandatory”. Wright Bros changed the travel dimensions by designing an airplane which could successfully ascend or take-off, cruise in the air, descend or land successfully. A designed path or area in any airport in any airdrome where ascend and descend of the airplane is carried out is called as a Runway (as per International civil aviation organization ICAO).

33. Zero gravity 3D printer

Zero gravity 3D printer

There are many science and engineering marvels which have advantageously helped the world in solving complex issues and requirements or need of the moment. Considering example as an automobile, a bulb, Google search engine and the list is infinite. One of the marvels which are trending in the 21st century is a 3 – Dimensional printing machine.

34. IOT Based Solar Power Monitoring System

IOT Based Solar Power Monitoring System

Solar is renewable source, demand of electricity is increased day by day. Solar energy is trough out the year and solar power plants need to be monitored for optimum power output

35. IOT Based Street Light Control

IOT Based Street Light Control

Street lightening is an essential infrastructure for cities in order to assure the security of citizens and goods. This infrastructure has however, a high economic and ecological cost. The work aimed at developing a low cost, low power microcontroller to adjust the light of LED street luminaires.

36. Laser Engraver using Arduino

Laser Engraver using Arduino

Laser Engraver is a technique used for marking or engraving to mark a permanent data or code on any metallic or engineering material.

37. Water Management and Leakage Detection System using Arduino

Water Management and Leakage Detection System using Arduino

Water is the world’s most precious resource, yet it is also the one which is almost universally mismanaged. As a result, water shortages are becoming ever more common. Leakages, overflow of water and bursting of pipes these all most common in waste of water. So as to detect all these problems here you are going to work on the building, tank water level sensing monitoring and water pipeline leakage sensing monitoring system.

38. Robotic Snake using Arduino

Robotic Snake using Arduino

We Humans have always been inspired by nature so much that we try to replicate everything that nature can do one such example is making a robotic snake.

39. Mini Weather Station using Arduino

Mini Weather Station using Arduino

Arduino board Mini weather station will be a mini Weather station with the Wi-Fi connection which will be able to give live updates this weather station will take data related weather from the environment using sensors like temperature. Humidity, Atmospheric Pressure Light Intensity and Dust Concentration using open hardware and sensors. The first priority for an outdoor weather station is protecting the electronics and sensors from moisture direct precipitation and condensation. The best solution is a ventilated enclosure specifically designed for weather stations. These are referred to as Stevenson screens or enclosures. After making the basic model, try to add a radio frequency transmitter and receiver module to remote sense temperature and humidity. The sensors should be on the transmitter side and the LCD on the receiver side. For the RF module, you can configure based on the same modules we are using till this point.

40. CAN Protocol Implementation using Arduino

CAN Protocol Implementation using Arduino

CAN (Controller Area Network) Bus allows for control and data acquisition depending on the application they can be installed in vehicles, farm equipment’s and even in industrial environments. They are used to form a network in which are data is linked to each other.

41. How to Implement IoT in Structural Health Monitoring Systems?

How to Implement IoT in Structural Health Monitoring Systems?

Maintenance is the paramount thing to focus, after constructing any structure. It is necessary to maintain the design strength of structure to increase life span.

42. Quadrotor using Arduino

Quadrotor using Arduino

In the modern world, it takes more than the required time to reach from one place to another, thus we must look forward to some airways. A Quadrotor is one of the flying unit used to lift the object from one place to another in lesser time and it finds high demand in industrial and surveillance sectors. For industry-level applications quadrotors are built using pre-programmed Flight Controllers which will have inbuilt gyroscope and accelerometer, but for smaller applications, it is not applicable. By using Arduino as a flight controller for quadrotor we can make it efficient and affordable for smaller applications.

43. Color Sorter Machine

Color Sorter Machine

Sorting is a technique used to group similar things together. It finds extensive scale applications in mass-production facilities because, in such production facilities, similar items need to be shipped together.

44. Anti-collision system for trains

Anti-collision system for trains

It has occurred several times when two trains collide with each other which became a big accident. It leads to the loss of many people’s lives and we need to have proper security for that. This project aims to control these types of accidents by controlling the railway tracks. Due to some carelessness and the same track, this type of incident occurs. Our anti-collision system for train projects will use sensor techniques by which we can track trains and monitor them.

45. Alarm clock radio

Alarm clock radio

In this alarm clock project, we will learn how to make an alarm clock radio. It will display some basic features that we find in the clock like time, date and also it will function as a radio. The project is not very complicated and is very simple to make. You just have to assemble things. The clock will display the real-time and it will use an RTC IC DS1307. It works on the I2C protocol.

46. Black box for vehicles using GPS and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module

Black box for vehicles using GPS and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module

The primary purpose of this wireless black-box model is to build a black box device for automobiles which can be mounted into any vehicle worldwide. This concept is often formulated with minimal circuit area.

47. Bluetooth controlled RC car

Bluetooth controlled RC car

Design your own Bluetooth controlled RC car. You can do it as a mini project in your academics. In this project, you will learn the types of components used to have input and output, usage of Bluetooth connectivity and interfacing them to other electronic devices like Arduino, raspberry pi.

48. Baby Pram monitoring system using IoT

Baby Pram monitoring system using IoT

Introduction- The baby pram monitoring system is a monitoring technique by which you can keep an eye over your child when you are physically unavailable by the use of sensors and feedback systems. This system can be used in varied situations like when you are in another room doing your work, in office and your child is with a baby sitter, etc.

49. Smart Energy Meter using GSM

Smart Energy Meter using GSM

In this project-based course you will develop a smart energy meter system using GSM technology which can send you updates about the energy consumption for a particular interval of time. You will be using an Arduino development board as a processing unit.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

50. CNC Machine using Arduino

CNC Machine using Arduino

In this project you will build a fully functional 3 axis CNC machine using Arduino which can perform manufacturing operations like drilling, milling and cutting. The tool can be operated with the help of G Codes and Arduino interfacing. By building this project, you will practically work with stepper motors, Arduino board, G Codes, CNC calibration and programming.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

51. GPS & GSM based Tracker

GPS & GSM based Tracker

In this project, you will build a GPS and GSM based Tracker using Arduino which can send continuous updates about the position on google maps in your mobile phone or computer. While building your project you will learn practically about the working of GPS modules, antennas, GSM modules and mobile communication.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

52. Automatic Solar Tracker

Automatic Solar Tracker

In this project-based course, you will develop an automatic solar tracker system that can orient itself in the direction where the maximum intensity of the sunlight can be captured. You will be using an Arduino development board as a processing unit.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

53. 7 Robots (Combo Course)

7 Robots (Combo Course)

Robotics involves electronics, mechanics and programming. And the number of engineers with good robotics skills is far below demand.
You can only learn and experience robotics by building robots. The projects that you build in this course take you through the entire journey of building robots from scratch.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

54. 2 Mechatronics Projects

2 Mechatronics Projects

This course introduces you to the concept of industrial robotics through two different innovative mechatronics projects. The first mechatronics project that you will build is the robotic arm, which has 3 degrees of freedom and can be controlled by your smart phone using an Android App. In the second project, you will learn to build a two legged robot or a biped walking robot that will have six degrees of freedom with a hip, knee & foot and mimic the walking action of humans.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

55. Gesture Controlled Robot

Gesture Controlled Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own Gesture Controlled Robot that can be controlled via hand gestures with the help of an ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor. The course is also equipped with scratch based block programming modules that make programming the robot super easy even for beginners. So you need not require any prior programming experience to build this gesture controlled robot.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

56. Robotic Arm

Robotic Arm

In this project, you will build a robotic arm that has 3 degrees of freedom which you can control by your mobile phone. The robotic arm will be connected to the mobile phone through Bluetooth and can be controlled by an Android App.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

57. Gesture Based Robotics

Gesture Based Robotics

In this project, you will learn to build your very own Gesture Controlled Robot that can be controlled via hand gestures with the help of an ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

58. IoT using Arduino

IoT using Arduino

In this project, you will build an IoT based weather monitoring system that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet to the user at a remote location. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification!

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Latest Projects based on arduino
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2023-11-16

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