
Mini Weather Station using Arduino

Arduino board Mini weather station will be a mini Weather station with the Wi-Fi connection which will be able to give live updates this weather station will take data related weather from the environment using sensors like temperature. Humidity, Atmospheric Pressure Light Intensity and Dust Concentration using open hardware and sensors. The first priority for an outdoor weather station is protecting the electronics and sensors from moisture direct precipitation and condensation. The best solution is a ventilated enclosure specifically designed for weather stations. These are referred to as Stevenson screens or enclosures. After making the basic model, try to add a radio frequency transmitter and receiver module to remote sense temperature and humidity. The sensors should be on the transmitter side and the LCD on the receiver side. For the RF module, you can configure based on the same modules we are using till this point.

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Mini Weather Station using Arduino project Looking to build project on IoT using Arduino?:

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Project Requirements:

    Following are the key components which will be required for the project:

  1. Arduino UNO R3:used to process all the information of various sensors connected to it for weather updates.
  2. Breadboard:for preliminary connections of the circuit.
  3. DHT22 Temp Sensor:Low cost digital temp sensor which uses capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure surrounding air.
  4. Seeed Grove-Light Sensor:it is an analog module and its output varies for diff ranges like 0-255 for 8bit ADC. It integrates a highly sensitive phototriode.
  5. Seeed Groove-UV Sensor:used for detecting intensity of incident UV radiation. Has spectral range of 200-400nm.
  6. Seeed Grove-Barometer Sensor:this will be able to widely measure pressure ranging from 300-1200mbar with super high accuracy of 0.01mbar accepts only 1.8-3.6V input however with external board can work on 3.3V and 5V.
  7. Seeed Grove-Dust Sensor:gives good indication of air quality and is responsive to PM of diameter 1micrometers and works at 5V.

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Project Implementation:

  1. Make the correct connections for all the sensors and install Arduino IDE in your computer.
  2. Install library files namely DHT22, Adafruit BMP085 and Weatherbox and replace xxxxx by Wifi router SSID and yyyyy with password and zzzzz by Thingspeak Channel API key.
  3. Connect the board and upload the code.
  4. Create thingspeak account and a channel.
  5. Specify channels for all sensors CH1=light , CH2=humidity, CH3= temp(DHT22), CH4= UV index, CH5= dust concentration, CH6= pressure, CH7= temp(from BMP085).
  6. Using android app thingsview you can monitor and get a graph of the variables at any time of the day from this weather station.
  7. The solar/battery-powered DHT22/BME280 system suffers occasional dropouts or produces off the scale values that can last for several hours. This appears to occur most often during very high relative humidity conditions. It would be possible to provide additional moisture protection for the Pro Mini/data collection board and attach the BME280 and DHT22 sensors to the system through separate cabling that isolates the sensor from the rest of the system.

Software requirements:

  1. Arduino IDE:software that is used to dump the firmware which considers the data of every sensor and gives live updates of their actions to the Android App.

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Kit required to develop Mini Weather Station using Arduino:
Technologies you will learn by working on Mini Weather Station using Arduino:
Mini Weather Station using Arduino
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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