
Baby Pram monitoring system using IoT

Introduction- The baby pram monitoring system is a monitoring technique by which you can keep an eye over your child when you are physically unavailable by the use of sensors and feedback systems. This system can be used in varied situations like when you are in another room doing your work, in office and your child is with a baby sitter, etc.

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Old School- It's a marathon for parents when they need to take care of their child at a very tender age. They will not be able to say when they want to eat, when they are not feeling well and when they have done their pants dirty, etc.

Solution- The introduction of IoT into real-world objects have solved this problem. Because of IoT data sharing has been amplified. The sensors are used to get the real-time data and the user can know what is the situation whether he/she is present at the location or not.

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Working- The baby pram monitoring system works with the help of the following units:

1. Input power supply- There are different sources of power. The power for the step-down transformer is used which gives a 12 V pulsating AC. The AC power is converted to a constant DC power with the help of a bridge rectifier and then to a constant 5 V with the help of a DC regulator. The other adaptors are used to power on the different added systems.

2. Sensors- There are different sensors used to capture real-time data from the baby. They are:

a) Temperature sensor- This is used to check the body temperature of the baby and this can also give the body temperature notification to the parents.

b) Moisture sensor- This is used to detect the moisture and wetness in the pants of the baby and it will alert the parents to change the diapers.

c) Cry detection sensor- This is used to check whether the baby is crying or not and it can give a real-time data of Yes/No.

d) PIR motion sensor- This is used to check when the baby is moving or not and if the baby is not asleep then the relay can get triggered and switch on the camera and it will help to keep visual monitoring from a distant location.

3. Data Processing Unit - There is an Arduino fitted to all the input sensors and the output units to show the user the processed data.

4. Output devices- A display unit is installed to get real-time feedback on the moments of the baby and a programmed app can be used to get all the information from the Arduino.

Conclusion- The following system can be little modified and used for keeping an eye on all age children. The use of IoT can be used to revolutionize the monitoring system of parents over children.

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Kit required to develop Baby Pram monitoring system using IoT:
Technologies you will learn by working on Baby Pram monitoring system using IoT:
Baby Pram monitoring system using IoT
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-18

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