Online Courses - Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! We do provide the Kit for all our Online Courses since we believe and provide the hands-on experience in practical learning.
We will dispatch your Kit within 24 hours of your payments in a securely packed state. The kit should reach you typically in 4-5 working days.
No, absolutely not! You can develop further projects with your kit after you finish your online course.
Our Kits come with 100% replacement warranty. Also, we make sure that the Kits are tested well before dispatching them to you.
Typically, it takes 16-20 hours to complete the course. You will be given 45 days of time from the date of enrolment to complete the course at your own pace.
Yes! You can attend the course and develop the projects anytime and anywhere at your own pace.
Yes! You have the complete flexibility of doing the course as per your convenience. You can always pause and resume the course anytime before 45 days from the date of enrolment.
Yes! We provide "Certificate of Completion" for all participants who successfully complete their project. The certificate will be available for download in your 'My Skyfi Labs' account.
Don't Worry! We assign an Online Tutor for every attendee and your doubts will be clarified through 1-to-1 Sessions with tutors on Hangouts/Chat/ Skype/ Call.
The refund can be claimed at any point of time if not satisfied with us. For any package, you can cancel anytime and get a refund of the balance amount on a pro-rata basis. No questions asked.
Sure! You can always do the program with your friends by paying a nominal fee. Your friends will receive separate logins and they will also get certificates.
The team may vary from one course to another. Please check the course page for these details.
Yes! All your team members will receive logins to access the online course and will get "Certificate of Completion" after the course completion.
Only 1 kit is provided per team. You may work with the kit alone or add your team members to work along with you on the same kit. Team members can be added at an additional nominal price and will receive certificates as well!
You can enroll for our courses if you are interested in becoming more practical and are interested to develop projects on your own.

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