Circuit Design

PCB(Printed Circuit Board) Design

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) acts as a skeleton for the electronic components placed on it. It is found in almost all electronic devices. It is used to support mechanically and electrically connect electronic components with the help of conductive paths made of copper. All the components such as IC’s, sensors, resistors, capacitors are soldered to the PCB to form a PCB assembly.

In this electronics project, we will fabricate a PCB prototype to power an LED when a sound is produced. When you make a sound the microphone will detect the sound and convert it into an electrical signal. The electrical signal is then processed by the IC and it turns ON the LED.

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Components used:

  • Glossy paper
  • Copper clad board
  • 16-pin CMOS decade counter
  • Resistors
  • Potentiometer
  • Microphone
  • Soldering gun
  • Soldering Iron
  • Flux
  • Waste cloth
  • Battery
  • LED’s
  • Sandpaper
  • OHP transparent sheet
  • FeCl3

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Project Implementation

The first step is to create the necessary PCB design using PCB layout software. You can use some open-source software (Autodesk Eagle, PCBWizard) to make the design.

Now print the PCB layout on the OHP transparent sheet in mirror format and cut the copper clad board as per your dimension using cutter or hacksaw.

After cutting the copper board rub it using a sponge or steel wool to remove the photo resistive layer or the dirt which will affect the sticking of the layout.

Now the transfer of PCB layout from the photo paper to the board begins. Properly align the printed paper and the PCB board then stick it together using cello tape. Remember the printed side of the paper should face towards the copper clad plate.

You can use a laminator or an iron box to transfer the PCB layout to the Copper clad board. If any mistake happened try to correct it using a permanent marker.

Don’t touch the board right after making the layout sometime’s it will be hot. Then dip the clad board on the FeCl3 solution to start the etching process. FeCl3 solution is used as etching solution which is used to remove the excess copper from the copper clad board. Always while doing this process wear mask and gloves. 

Leave the board undisturbed for 30 mins and check whether the copper is etched properly or not. In case it is not etched properly, keep it in the solution for more time.

Dispose the etching solution properly because it is toxic to fish and other living organisms.

Using thinner/nail polish remover clean the plate using cotton to remove the ink from the plate to expose the copper surface. Make the adjustments using sandpaper by smoothening the edges to finalize the PCB layout.

Now drill the holes using a hand driller according to the design and fix the components such as a resistor, capacitor, LED, IC, microphone, etc. Use a soldering gun to solder all the components to the PCB.

If you want a traditional green look, apply the solder mask which gives a shiny finish and prevents short-circuiting.

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Kit required to develop PCB(Printed Circuit Board) Design:
Technologies you will learn by working on PCB(Printed Circuit Board) Design:
PCB(Printed Circuit Board) Design
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-18

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PCB(Printed Circuit Board) Design

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