Latest Projects Based on Gazebo

The following projects are based on gazebo. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using gazebo.

1. Robotic Arm Simulation with ROS and Gazebo

Robotic Arm Simulation with ROS and Gazebo

This tutorial is for enthusiasts who want to develop a software system for robots without building one. You can make use of the simulators for software development. Gazebo is one of these simulators and it can be integrated with ROS which makes the development process easier. In this ROS project, you will learn how to integrate Gazebo and ROS and start experimenting with robotic software.

What is Gazebo?

Gazebo is a 3D simulator that helps to simulate AI systems, robots, test algorithms in realistic scenarios. It offers the ability to efficiently simulate multiple robots in complex environments. Using gazebo you can create a 3D virtual environment adding real-time obstacles and objects. It also uses a physical engine for gravity, inertia, illumination, etc. Thus making it easy to simulate robots in harsh environments without creating any damage to robots. 

2. Hopping Robot Simulation using ROS

Hopping Robot Simulation using ROS


For the development of robots in the computer required many tools like simulation tools, third party tools with s/w drivers. ROS framework helps you by binding all these necessities in a single package. ROS is an abbreviation of Robot Operating System which is used by many organizations for robotic simulations and automation. It is a meta operating system which is an open-source and its main highlight of the framework. Robot Operating System can also be installed on the microprocessors like Raspberry pi. You can code and use the required tools for your project work. In this ROS robotics project, we will look at the overview of the robotic simulation using ROS. Skyfi Labs will help you to learn more technologies in the competition.

3. How to simulate a drone using ROS (FlytSim)

How to simulate a drone using ROS (FlytSim)

As the usage of drones is expanding day by day the misuse and accidents are also increasing because of drones. Before testing a drone in real-time simulating it on a simulator will decrease the wastage of time and money. By doing this, the occurrence of accidents due to the malfunction in hardware or software of drones can also be avoided. In this ROS tutorial, we are going to simulate a drone in FlytSim simulator which is a ROS-Gazebo based setup. 

FlytSim is a 3D simulator for Drone applications. This simulator helps developers to test their applications at the convenience of their laptop/desktop. With the SITL simulation environment, the developed application can be tested without the drone hardware. During the simulation, autopilot uses the same algorithm on FC to make the behaviour close to real-time. 

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Latest Projects based on gazebo
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2023-11-16

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