Real time clock Solar Tracking system Using PIC16F877A
Karthy R

Solar Power is the conversion of light energy to electrical energy. The solar is main for the power generation. Solar (i.e.Sun) is a renewable energy through the year during the daytime. Instead of that some renewable energy also available but implementing difficulties, the maintenance and it not available all the time.
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Today the electricity demand is increasing day to day. Power generation sector finds the new source and it is having some drawbacks and affect human nature, nature also. But solar has the good advanced its not affecting the humans also nature.
The solar panel can be mounted on the roof of the building at a particular angle and the side of the building, to the roof so like this the panel can be arranged according to the environment changes and the area of the place.
Here the solar tracking is based on the real-time so the timing calculated according to that the panel rotates solar rays. So the sun arises east falls on the west so the panel in one direction, the angle is not efficient and so the time the panel changes the angle to get the maximum rays on the panel.
Project Description:
- PIC16F877A: The PIC16F877A features 256 bytes of EEPROM data memory , self programming,an lcd display port,2 comparator,8 channels of 10-bit Analog-to-Digital(A/D) converter,2 capture/compare/PWM functions,the synchronous serial port can be configured as either 3-wire Serial peripheral Interface or the 2-wire inter-integrated circuit(I2C) bus and a Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter(USART).These features make it advanced level A/D applications.
- DS1307: The DS1307 serial real-time clock(RTC) is a low-power, full binary coded decimal(BCD) clock/calendar plus 56 bytes of NV SRAM. Address and data are transferred serially through an I2C, bidirectional bus.The clock/calendar provides seconds,minutes,hours,day,month,year information.
- LCD : A liquid-crystal display is a flat-panel or the other electronically modulated optical device that the light-modulating properties of liquid crystal.LCDs are available to display present words, digits, and seven-segents display.
- Stepper Motor: A stepper motor is a brushless dc motor that divides a full rotation into a number of equal steps.In stepper motor the rotation of the motor can be hold the any position with any feedback to it.
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Project Implementation:
- Place the solar panel on the motor shaft
- The DS1307 real clock is initial set the data and restarted so the function stats to continues the data we have set.
- You need to program as the every time of the day for example the midday the panel should be in 180 degrees likewise the time the stepper motor gets the signal from the controller the stepper starts rotates.
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Software requirements:
- MPLAB X IDE: The MPLAB X IDE is the new graphical,integrated debugging tool set for all of Microchps's more than 8 bit,16 bit and 32 bit MCUs and digital signal controller,and memory devices.
- Programming language: Embedded C Language
- Proteus Design Software: The Proteus Design Suite is a software tool suite used for eletronic design automation even only sotware itself the output can be checked by the software and also electronic prints for manufactureing printed circuit boards.
Kit required to develop Real time clock Solar Tracking system Using PIC16F877A:
Technologies you will learn by working on Real time clock Solar Tracking system Using PIC16F877A:
Real time clock Solar Tracking system Using PIC16F877A
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-10 •
Last Updated: