A Synergetic Use of Bloom Filters for Error Detection and Correction VLSI Project

Overview: The filter characterization which brings a straightforward and impressive path to verify that an element exists to a set is called as Bloom filters. The application areas of these special filters can be a networking field and computer architectural design units. It is also utilized in huge databases like Google Bigtable utilizes it to decrease the disk scans. 

The classical structure of Bloom filters has been prolonged over the period of time like counting BFs have popularized to allow the elimination of elements from BFs. The derived compressed bloom filters (CBFs) has been recommended for advancing the transmission among the network. Freshly, the bloom filter codes have been scheduled for executing the error correction in huge data sets.

Bloom filters (BFs) can be enforced with the use of electronic devices in main cases. In tremendous memory cells, the recorded blocks of BFs can be reserved and the necessary processing is complete in the processor or in a devoted system. In a minimal speed memory cells, the required sets which are using to form the BFs have saved.

Nonetheless, the technology extents, the reliability of the electronic circuits has drastically decreased and created severe problems to implement it. Due to the technology scaling, error appearance by internal radiations, inferences and other holdings are becoming very normal. Then, the moderation techniques are utilized at distinct stages to confirm that the required circuitry is approaching reliability in quick succession. Memories are the demanding parameter for Bloom filters (BFs) exertion.

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Perpetual errors and defects are frequently amended with the use of unused rows and columns for active memory cells. During the operation of logic circuitry, a soft error has occurred by radiation which can alter any memory cell logic valves. Error correction codes (ECC) is using in memories for minimizing the effect of soft errors. In nanotechnology associated memories, Bloom filters (BFs) are utilized to classify the faulty words. 

Detection and correction of content addressing memories (CAM) can be possible with the use of CBFs. For fulfilling the target of error detection in CAM listing, the CBF is connected with CAM in parallel combination. CBF block should be consistent in the whole procedure for better outcomes of CAM units. 

The correction process is triggered to revive the accurate values in the infected CAM listings with the use of an external saved copy of its contents when an error arises. Bloom filters can be added exceptionally in the original system design and it can be detected simultaneously.

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Procedure: BFs can be performed two major operations – Insertion and Query where the number of hash functions is k and net bit size is m for element x.

The expansion of these operations can be given as below –

H=h1x+h2x+h3x++hk(x) ………………........ (1)

The probability of zeros in BFs can be expressed as –

P0n≅1-1mkn …………………………………………….. (2)

False-positive probability function can be termed as –

Pfpn≅1-Po(n)k …………………………………………. (3)

The load factors of BFs can be expressed as –

lf≅(1-P0) ……………………………………………………. (4)

The derived error correction probability can be termed as –

Pcorrection≅1-k(k-1)(k-2)mkl …………………………………. (5)

Conclusion: CBF can be utilized to gain a single bit error correction to demonstrate memory protection through ever word length. The outcomes have indicated that derived BFs procedure can correct the single bit length character for required sets.

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A Synergetic Use of Bloom Filters for Error Detection and Correction VLSI Project
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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