Cloud Computing

How to Develop An E-Learning Platform Using Cloud Computing

With the advancement in technology, a huge change is happening in the education system. In this cloud computing project, we will develop an e-learning platform using cloud computing. Cloud computing is widely used in various fields because of its various applications and easy deployment. Nowadays with easy access to the internet and smartphones, everyone is able to connect and access online resources. This also expanded the use of cloud computing services. 

E-learning is one of the fast and efficient ways to spread knowledge to learners from different parts of the world. E-learning uses modern technology and digital content to make the learning process more attractive. Effectiveness, consistency, scalability, reduced costs, etc. are some of the advantages of the E-learning platforms. But to set up an e-learning platform it requires a huge software and hardware resources. Cloud computing provides the best solution to set up the infrastructure for the e-learning platform with reduced costs. It uses the internet and remote servers to maintain data and applications. 

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1. Cloud Computing (Career Building Course)

Overview of the E-learning Platform using Cloud Computing project

In this proposed e-learning system, there will be two modules: user and administrator. Admin can upload the data, manage and control it. Users can log in and access the uploaded data with the user ID and password. This platform is hosted in a cloud server and the data is accessed using MySQL.

Admin: Admin has the authority to add the course material, videos, and the description of the courses. Admin can also change the prices of the courses.

User: User needs the login credential to access the content from the website. Here the user can share their thoughts in the comment section of each course page and the user can also discuss with the other learners about a topic.

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Project Implementation:

Below are the tools used to implement this cloud computing project:

Eclipse - It is an IDE used to develop the web application

MySQL - It is a database management system used to take care of the backend operations

Bootstrap - It is used for the front end web development

Programming languages: HTML and JDK

Step1: The web application is developed using HTML, CSS and JAVA. To make the user interface more interactive you can use parallax scrolling. 

Step2: Create the tables in MySQL to collect the data and retrieve it on purpose.

Step3: Host the application on the cloud platform and make it live. You can use cloud services like AWS, Azure, etc. 

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Benefits of E-learning platform:

  1. Anyone can easily access the platform from any part of the world.
  2. The courses can be accessed the course 24x7
  3. Easily scalable
  4. Creates a community platform where other learners can share their thoughts.
  5. Teachers can also conduct classes thus benefiting both teachers and students
  6. Reduced cost compared to classroom training

This e-learning platform using cloud computing will become a replacement for the traditional system helping both teachers and students to access the courses with ease. This cloud computing project can be implemented by universities and colleges to help students.

Kit required to develop How to Develop An E-Learning Platform Using Cloud Computing:
Technologies you will learn by working on How to Develop An E-Learning Platform Using Cloud Computing:
E-learning platform using Cloud Computing
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-16

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