
NEWS Recommendation system - Data mining project

As we see in the technical field, data mining refers to a broadway of software tools and mathematical modeling techniques that are used to find patterns in data and use this information to model building. It describes the collection of analytical techniques that helps to build a recommendation model. Data mining processes are highly used for the building of machine learning models which include website recommendation programs and search engine technology. There are a few techniques in data mining as follows: Predictive Modeling, Descriptive Modeling, Pattern Mining, and Anomaly Detection. These are used for various purposes and the building of the different kinds of models. So today we are discussing the News Recommendation System. If you want to know more then read the whole project idea on Skyfi Labs.

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Technologies Used

Data Mining

Django Framework



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Project Description

So here we will give exact project ideas with technologies used which will be helpful for the college projects. Basically the project is based on the recommendation concept. Yes, It is a News Recommendation System. We all use Youtube and we can see that it shows the related videos as per our viewing history or our subscribed channels. As like that this project also recommends the kind of news that you want to see.

You can develop the front end of the project with the Django framework which is a python based web development framework. You can simply use a SQL database for storing the data.

There are different modules created in the project as below:

  1. SignUp - We can simply say the registration page. Here users have to fill the required basic information for the registration like Name, Mail ID, age, place, etc, and create a password for the security.
  2. Login - Users can log in to the system with the use of user ID and password. There are two kinds of logins, one for the user and one for the administrator. Admin can add news documents or images to the system and have complete control over the system. Users just have to log in with their password and start using the system.
  3. Search - The next module is Search. User can search for any kind of news topic and can access the news related to this topic
  4. All News - This page consists of the headings of the popular news. Users can access the news by clicking on it. It has another button which recommends the news related to this one.

When you search any article that does that, it uses the TF IDF algorithm and vector space model to recommend the articles related to the search. TF IDF algorithm is used for a better understanding of the concepts. For Example, if you search ‘Academic News’ Then it finds the news which contains the string-like academic which has a unique ID and shows you the documents related to it.

So this is a basic overview of the project.

If you want to learn more about the Django framework and data mining then Skyfi Labs helps you by providing many courses related to it. Boost up your knowledge with new technologies.

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Kit required to develop NEWS Recommendation system - Data mining project:
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NEWS Recommendation system - Data mining project
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-18

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