Robotics for kids

Best Robotics Kits for High School Students

You are a parent searching for some good robotics kits for your child to make them build cool robots right from home?

Or a teacher browsing to get some exciting robotics kits for your students to help them develop robotics skills?

Well, you are not alone.

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Note about Robotics for kids Note:

Have you checked out our projects on Robotics for kids yet?
Robotics for kids Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Robotics Explorer (Age 11+)

2. Robotics Champion (Age 14+)

3. Coding Champion (Age 14+)

4. Coding Starter (Age 8+)

5. Coding Explorer (Age 11+)

6. Drones Starter (Age 8+)

7. Drones Explorer (Age 11+)

8. Drones Champion (Age 14+)

A lot of school students now are very excited about robots (thanks to Ironman & Transformers!) and are really keen to build their own robots. And a number of parents/ teachers are in need of robotics kits to help them develop cool robots and keep the innovation spark ignited in them.

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But choosing the right kind of robotics kits is very important. Building robots not only helps them understand and learn technology, but also helps them in improving their confidence levels. So they will be more likely to take new challenges, especially involving technology, if they build robots successfully.

At the same time, if they are not able to build their robot, they will lose confidence, develop a dislike for technology and may not try to build robots again.

So, proper care should be taken while selecting the robotics kits for school students.

With that being said, you can also opt for courses that help your child understand concepts in Robotics in a fun and interseting manner. These courses come with kits and expert trainers who teach your child. So incase your child needs help with the kit, the teacher will be there to provide the guidance. If you are interested to enroll your child in such a course, here is a list of the best online robotics courses for kids.

How to select good Robotics Kits?

Don’t just buy robotics kits because they look good. Remember, the objective is to help your kid/ student build the robot successfully while learning. It is not another course for them to go through and write exam. It is also not a toy to play around with. It is a combination of learning and fun.

So you need to ensure the kits give him both learning and fun. How?

  • Buy robotics kits which come with course/ training material – Don’t just buy kits which students have to assemble. Remember robot is not a toy. It is a fun learning exercise.
  • Video based robotics training material is much better than booklets – Videos are more fun to watch and easier to learn from. Books are boring to read and it is sometimes tough to understand a complex topic like robotics through just books.
  • Don’t buy if the kit only has instruction manuals and no technology explanation - Instruction manuals are not sufficient. You are not preparing your kid/ student to be a mechanic/ carpenter. You want him/her to understand what’s happening inside the robot and develop curiosity in him/her towards technology. So look for kits with explanatory material and not just instruction manual.
  • Buy robotics kits which have quizzes involved – Make sure there are some assessments built into the course/ robot kit building process. Answering questions helps in student being attentive and helps in better engagement of the student.

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Latest projects on Robotics for kids

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  • Buy robotics kits which result in certificate at the end of the course – If your kid/ student put so much effort into learning and building, it is always great to reward him with a certificate and encourage him to take bigger steps in technology. Don’t just make it look like a toy. Make him feel that he learnt some valuable skills!
  • Ensure proper support is provided during the robot building – Robot building is not easy and it is very possible that your kid/ student will fail in it if he/she doesn’t get proper support. So make sure proper support us provided by the kit provider in terms of doubt clarifications etc.
  • Buy robotics kits from organizations you trust – Look for customer reviews before buying
  • Buy kits from organizations which can help your kid/ student learn continuously – Remember that this is the first step your kid/ student is making towards technology and this is not the end goal. So the objective should be to help him/her make the first step successfully and make the student curious about technology so that he/she will undertake lot more such projects in the future. So the organization should enable this and help you develop lot more projects by upgrading easily. Else all your effort will stop after first step.

At skyfi Labs, we develop courses keeping these facts in mind.

Our courses come with kit, video based tutorials, exams and certificates. Students can schedule a doubt clarification session whenever they want and develop projects successfully. They can also upgrade to any of our 50+ courses after completing the first one and learn continuously until they become a great engineer!

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Here are some robotics kits that we suggest to the high school students:

If the student doesn’t have any prior exposure to robotics or programming, you can start by doing the below courses which uses simple block programming. These courses use drag-and-drop programming which is super fun to do and can be used by anyone with zero programming experience.

1. Line Follower Robot using Arduino: This is one of the simple robotics project which your kid can build and get started with the robotics. The robot that your kid build can detect the black line and follow it without deviating with the help of digital IR sensors. Your kid will program the Arduino with simple drag & drop scratch based programming and make the robot work. And your kid can also modify the program later to carryout various robotic operations.

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How to build Robotics for kids projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Robotics for kids Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Robotics for kids today!

2. Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino: With this robotics project based course, your kid will learn to build his/her very own robot that can be controlled using hand gestures. It follows the same principle as the video game that your kid plays in your mobile phone. The robot uses accelerometer sensor to communicate with the user and actuate the robot accordingly. Your kid will program the Arduino with simple drag & drop scratch programming and make the robot work.

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3. Mobile Controlled Robot using Arduino: With this robotics project based course, your kid will learn to build his/her very own robot that can be controlled using your mobile phone. The robot uses DTMF technology to communicate with the user and actuate accordingly. Your kid will program the Arduino with simple drag & drop scratch programming and make the robot work.

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4. Edge Detection Robot using Arduino: With this robotics project based course, your kid will learn to build his/her very own robot that can detect the edges of a table and prevent the robot from falling off. The robot uses digital IR sensors to detect the edges, sends the data to the microcontroller and actuate the robot accordingly. Your kid will program the Arduino with simple drag & drop scratch programming and make the robot work.

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5. Fire Fighting Robot using Arduino: With this robotics project based course, your kid will learn to build his/her very own robot that can detect the fire from a remote location and move in that direction to blow it off. The robot uses digital IR sensors to detect the fire, move in that direction with the help of DC motors and use a miniature DC fan to blow it off. Your kid will program the Arduino with simple drag & drop scratch programming and make the robot work.

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If the student has some exposure to programming, you can select from any of the following:

1. Autonomous Robot using Arduino: If your child wants to get started with programming their own robot or likes to learn more about how a robot actually works, then this is the right robotics kit for them. It is preferred for school students who are in their 5-8 grade.

With the autonomous robotics kit, your child will learn the concepts behind Arduino architecture, Arduino programming (simple logics), working & calibration of IR sensors and DC motor operations.

After learning the concepts, they will use the knowledge gained to develop their own autonomous robot. The robot they build can be programmed to be a line follower robot or an obstacle follower/ avoider robot or a phototrophic/ photophobic robot.

As it involves Arduino & programming, the number of robots they will build is limited to their imaginations.

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2. Sensor Guided Robotics Kit: If your child had some pre-experience with Arduino & its programming, then now it is the time for them to go for the advanced level of robotics. This robotics kit is preferred for school students who are in their 7-9 grade.

With the sensor guided robotics kit, your child will learn the concepts behind the microcontroller architecture & its interface, microcontroller programming, working & calibration of IR sensors and will get a good introduction on embedded systems.

After learning the theoretical concepts, they will use the knowledge gained to develop different kinds of robots that can do some specific set of actions by modifying the program & placement of sensors. Some of the robots that they can build include a line follower robot, obstacle follower & avoider robot, phototropic & photophobic robot etc.

This course is recommended to students who are very intuitive and like to develop a career in robotics.

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3. Mobile controlled Robotics Kit: If your child had built a lot of robots and want to improve the robotics knowledge further by doing advanced robotics projects, then this is the right robotics kit for them. This robotics kit is preferred for students who are in their 8-10 grade.

With the mobile controlled robotics kit, your child will learn the concepts behind the DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency), microcontroller architecture & programming, embedded systems and calibration of the robot for the program given.

After learning the theoretical concepts, they will use the knowledge gained to develop a robot that can be controlled using a mobile phone with DTMF technology. They will program the robot is such a way that it can be controlled wirelessly using a mobile phone with them.

This course is recommended for students who want to explore advanced technologies on robotics and develop cool robots.

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4. Gesture controlled Robotics Kit: If your child had built a lot of robots prior and want to get acquainted with some of the latest technologies involved in the robotics, then the gesture controlled robotics kit is for them. This robotics kit is preferred for students who are in their 8-10 grade.

With the gesture controlled robotics kit, your child will learn the concepts behind the working & calibration of accelerometers, sensor integration, microcontroller architecture & programming and embedded systems.

After learning the theoretical concepts, they will build their own robot which can be controlled via hand gestures. The robot will be calibrated for the ADXL sensor (accelerometer) and can be controlled by their hand gestures.

This robotics kit will serve to be an excellent platform for your child to learn and develop advanced skills on robotics technologies.

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5. Voice controlled Robotics Kit: If you are fascinated about IPhone Siri or Google Assistant, then this robotics kit is for you. With this robotics kit you will be building a robot that can be controlled with your voice by integrating speech recognition technology in it. The communication between the user and the robot happens via Bluetooth. You will also be learning to build your own Android App as part of this course.

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6. WiFi controlled Robotics Kit: The robot that you build using this robotics kit uses Arduino Uno and can be controlled via WiFi. The communication channel will be established between the robot and user using WiFi channel, and you can control the robot’s action through an html webpage. You will also learn the basics of html by building this robot.

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7 Robots – Combo Kit: With this robotics kit you will be able to build 7 different types of robot from basic to the advanced level. The basic level robots that you will build include the line follower, obstacle follower/ avoider, photophobic/ phototropic robot. Then you will move on to building medium level robots like mobile controlled and gesture controlled robot. And finally you will learn to build advanced robotics projects like swarm robotics and maze solver robot.

It is an excellent course if you are an amateur who is looking to build exciting robotics projects and get skilled in it.

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Why Skyfi Labs to buy robotics kits for high school students?

All the robotics kits that are offered by Skyfi Labs come with a course, which make sure that the student is learning while building their robots. With the 100% tested genuine robotic kits shipped to your home, excellent video tutorials (available online 24x7) and good technical support, you can rest assure that your child will learn & build great robots and develop a very good robotics career.

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Do let us know what you think is the best robotics kit for school students by commenting below.

Best Robotics Kits for High School Students
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2024-06-29

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