Wireless Communication

Bluetooth controlled LCD Display

Imagine you want to display your name on LCD display in front of your door or wherever you want. You want to change it again and again. In this Bluetooth controlled LCD project you will learn to display information on the LCD display and to change it via Bluetooth. We can change it over and over during necessity arises. We are using Bluetooth connectivity for this purpose. So, the command can be given only over the range of area of Bluetooth.

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Hardware Components Required

Bluetooth module HC 05

LCD Display

Arduino UNO

Jumper Wires

USB cable for Arduino

Power Cable for Arduino

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Software Components

Arduino IDE

Bluetooth terminal HC 05 App

Alternative apps-BT Terminal


Our requirement in this project is to display the desired information on LCD Display. And we want to change the information on LCD display whenever we want. With the use of Bluetooth technology, we achieve the purpose of the project.     

In this Bluetooth project, we are using the microcontroller Arduino UNO. It has an opensource environment. It is very easy to learn. It is a 16-bit microcontroller. It is a small computing device. It has limited memory and limited computing capability. Arduino IDE coding is a very easy and open-source language. It is almost like a simple English language. If you find difficulties in programming Arduino, there is a community to help you. Bluetooth module HC 05 uses 5v power supply. It can be used for 2way communication. It sends and transmits information over Bluetooth connectivity. It communication over a range of 10 mts form that device. LCD display of 16*2 is enough for this mini-project. It can display 16 characters per row. It consists of 2 rows. It has a backlight option. It has the option to adjust brightness and contrast of characters when it is interfaced with Arduino.  Jumper wires are used for connectivity between components. USB cable is used to program Arduino. USB stands for universal serial bus. A power cable is used to power Arduino. It can be used when you disconnect the universal serial bus.

We are using a Bluetooth Terminal app to send the required information. It has options to both sends and receives information.

Our main logic is through the Bluetooth technology we send and receive the information. In the Arduino UNO, we can receive and send information through ports.

Note- We can display those characters only, that LCD display has the option to display. For the LCD display, we have selected for this project we display only 32 characters, 16 characters per row. As per the selection of LCD display, the characters we want to display will change.


  1. The desired information on the LCD display is changed in limited time
  2. There is no need to change the program again and again.
  3. There is no need to change the circuit again and again.
  4. Need to program the microcontroller only once.
  5. In a Bluetooth range, we can change information.
  6. Money spent on the circuit will be saved.


Since we are using Bluetooth connectivity, our arear to transmit information is limited.

How to build Wireless Communication projects Did you know

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Kit required to develop Bluetooth controlled LCD Display:
Technologies you will learn by working on Bluetooth controlled LCD Display:
Bluetooth controlled LCD Display
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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