Wireless Communication

RFID based door lock system

As technology is advancing, so is our way of looking towards security and luxury. Even the old school lock and key system are now getting replaced by new technologies.

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RFID door lock has become very popular in many high-tech hotels and buildings. With these door locks, you no longer need to use a key to unlock a door. All you need is a card which you will have to bring in front of the RFID reader box which will identify the card.

This door lock system is quite easy to construct and use and that is why its popularity is increasing day by day.

In this project, you will make an RFID based door lock system using Arduino, relay and RFID. The RFID tag will be the basic key to your door lock.

This door lock system is basically an electricity-based system which works on providing a suitable voltage. Once the card is identified, the door will automatically get opened. To help you know whether the card is identified or not, there will be a beep sound and a blink of LED on correct recognition of your card. In case you put a wrong card in front of the reader, you will hear a buzzer sound to alert you.

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Project Implementation:


Here is a list of the items you will require while preparing your RFID based door lock system.

  • Arduino UNO
  • EM-18 Reader Module with Tags
  • Relay 5v
  • LED
  • Buzzer
  • Connecting wire
  • Resistors

EM – 18 reader:

The EM – 18 reader is an RFID reader that reads the unique Id or number that every RFID card holds. This reader operates at 125kHz.

The output which this reader will provide will be a 12 digit ASCII terms where the first 10 digits of the code will represent the card number of the RFID card which will be placed in front of the reader and the last two digits will represent the XOR results of the same card number. These last two digits help you in error checking in case a wrong card is brought before the reader.

  1. As the first step towards preparing your door lock, you need to prepare a prototype of the original circuit so that you are saved from the possibilities of mistakes in the real product. You will get the circuit diagram of the system on various published papers and websites.
  2. As the next step of the project, you need the code that runs this device. The code is based on the concept that the card numbers are fed in the reader. If the card with the correct card number comes before the reader, the required action is taken and in any other case, the buzzer sounds like an alert signal.The required code is very easily on various sources on the internet. You can download the relevant code and the library files from on net sources. Once you are ready with the prototype and the code, connect your prototype to your PC and launch the Arduino and then open the required code. Upload the code to the Arduino.
  1. After uploading the code, you can scan the card and preview the output. If you need any changes in the output, you can make the necessary changes in the code and upload the updated code o your Arduino.
  2. After uploading the final code, you again will have to scan your card to check if your prototype circuit is working appropriately.
  3. You can now prepare the final circuit on the circuit board. Make sure to solder all the connections properly and then connect the Arduino and the RFID module to the final product.
  4. You should always test your product for any kind of malfunctioning or error.
  5. As the last step of the project, you need to make the enclosure of your device. You can make any sort of enclosure based upon your taste and creativity.
  6. Lastly, give the final touch to your RFID tag or card and your door lock system will get ready.


After having completed this project, you can now easily use your device to lock unlock your door without having to make the effort of using a lock and key for that purpose.

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Kit required to develop RFID based door lock system:
Technologies you will learn by working on RFID based door lock system:
RFID based door lock system
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-07-02

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