Design and Development of Dual-band Band-Pass Filter

The demand for dual-band or multiband systems is tremendously increasing in modern wireless communication. This is because the dual band or multiband filters reduces the circuit size by employing a single or common configuration for multiple operation or application. In this project, you will design and develop novel, low cost and compact microstrip Dual Band Pass Filter for microwave/wireless systems with simple physical topology, single-layer configuration, and broad stop-band.

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A dual bandpass filter (DBPF) is used to pass two different frequency band signals and to attenuate the other out-of-band unwanted signals. To work in RF/microwave frequency range, the microstrip technology is a very good candidate, which has also the property like the compact size and lightweight. Microstrip is nothing but a substrate or dielectric sandwiched between two thin conductors (of thickness in the range of millimeters or micrometers). The filter network or configuration uses the property of inductor (with the increase in frequency, impedance increases) and capacitor (with the increase in frequency, impedance decreases) to achieve the proper operation. In microstrip technology, the inductor and capacitor can be designed by using narrow and wider microstrip conducting lines respectively over the top plane. The circuit can be fabricated by using a simple etching process. The main aim of this project is to design a DBPF for 2.4/5.2 GHz WLAN application with wider stop-band up to 10GHz.

Project Description:

  1. Lumped element: The lumped element model of electronic circuits makes the simplifying assumption that the attributes of the circuit, resistance, capacitance, inductance, and gain, are concentrated into idealized electrical components; resistors, capacitors, and inductors, etc. joined by a network of perfectly conducting wires. In simple words, it is the ideal circuit of a real circuit which gives maximum efficiency.
  2. Microstrip: It is a type of electrical transmission line which can be fabricated using printed circuit board technology and is used to convey microwave-frequency signals. It consists of a conducting strip separated from a ground plane by a dielectric layer known as the substrate.
  3. Dual-band bandpass filters: Dual-band bandpass filters (BPFs) provide the functionality of two separate filters but in the size of a single filter. They have become an important part of many multiple-band communications systems, passing desired channels while rejecting unwanted interference and noise.

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Project Implementation:

  1. At first do some literature survey to know how electronics communication works and why the filter is necessary for those systems.
  2. Then take any problem where unwanted signals being transmitted.
  3. Then, perform Simulation of the lumped circuit using ADS (Advance Design System)
  4. After that perform Simulation of microstrip circuit using IE3D (Integral Equations 3D)
  5. Obtain Mathematical model for the physical problem and perform Mathematical analysis using MATLAB.
  6. Then go for fabrication using an etching process.
  7. After that perform testing using VNA (Vector Network Analyzer)
  8. Then Compare your result with simulated and previous works.

Project Brief: A novel and compact microstrip DBPF for 2.4/5.2 WLAN application, and wider stopband up to 10 GHz with deep attenuation below 20 dB in stop band region will be developed, such that the system is properly isolated from the nearby systems and other applications.

Software requirements:

  • MATLAB: MATLAB is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and proprietary programming language developed by MathWorks. This software is handy in solving complex Matrixes.
  • Vector network analyser: The vector network analyzer, VNA is a form of RF network analyzer widely used for RF design applications. A vector network analyser is a test system that enables the RF performance of radio frequency (RF) and microwave devices to be characterised in terms of network scattering parameters, or S parameters.

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  • Advance Design System: This software is a leading software which is used to design automated software for RF, microwave, high speed digital, and power electronics application.

Programming language: MATLAB programming language

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Technologies you will learn by working on Design and Development of Dual-band Band-Pass Filter:
Design and Development of Dual-band Band-Pass Filter
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-19

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