
Admission tracking system

Project description

Education is essential for the development of intellect and knowledge of a person as well as for the growth of the economy of a nation. An enhancement in the teaching sector has directly resulted in advancement in the saving of a country, as it raises the skill-set of the workforce which can get fuller usage of the available technology. Nevertheless, to the utter dismay, currently, the Indian education system faces a number of setbacks, the main one being lack of standardization in both school and university/college level.

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The admission processes are getting more hectic every day as students from around the country prefer different educational institutes and institutes to conduct all the scholars at once is becoming a hard job. Queues gather up on the admissions opening day, pupils have to travel to far places to obtain admission in their preferred Educational Institute in India.

By looking at the above scenario one can decide to build a UI based application which helps to operate through the admission process by taking a few parameters as input; to build this application.

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  • Python programming
  • Python web development frameworks
  • Database management

Tools and techniques used

  • Any OS supporting internet browser
  • Python
  • Pycharm or any python supportive IDE
  • Python web designing frameworks such as Django, Tkinter, Flask etc.
  • Python supportive SQL

Modules required

  • Student Registration module
  • Student login/logout
  • Admin login/logout
  • Information module
  • Student admission form
    • Personal details
    • Guardian details
    • Documentation upload
    • Payment
  • Database
  • Notifications
  • Chat room


  • This application will allow students to enquire and take admissions by sitting at their home
  • This application will only be limited to educational institutes for use.

Project implementation

  • Gather all the information about the admission process done by the institute.
  • Start creating a web application by implementing the information gathered.
  • Start by making a home page, where the student can get an overview of the institute, then add the necessary pages for giving the information like courses provided by the institute, mission and vision etc.
  • Then create a registration page for the student and give an option that if the student has already registered he can jump to the login page. And if not he/she has to register first and then he/she will be redirected to the login page.
  • Then create a student admission form
  • Where he can fill out all the admission related details
  • Then after the student has filled out all the details he/she has to sit until the admin notifies them.
  • Then create a database using SQLite or any such linking all the forms to store the information of the student.
  • Admin’s logging in password and username should be predefined by the institute.
  • Give Access of the database only to the admin he can review the student details, edit them and delete them.
  • Install an API wrapper, for example, one-signal-Notifications using pip in your python IDE and create a notification module to notify the students
  • And at the end create a chat room using python libraries like a socket.
  • And last, verify all the modules and combine them for better UI creation.

Kit requirement

No kits required

Technologies learnt

  • Python programming
  • Database management
  • Web application development using python

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Kit required to develop Admission tracking system:
Technologies you will learn by working on Admission tracking system:
Admission tracking system
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-03-20

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