Thousands of thoughts linger in our minds every minute. Even when we are travelling outside or sitting in a room there are plenty of thoughts that comes in our mind but can we remember every single one of them an hour later? So why not put those thoughts somewhere down. So moving with this creative idea in mind developers with Python programming language has developed this virtual notebook mini project where we can write our thoughts down. In our subconscious mind, we think a lot of logical things that we forget later so if we write the moment the thoughts arise that way it will be accessible. But the problem was if we had some thoughts in our mind while we were jogging or walking or travelling we could not write as we always do not carry paper and pen but we do carry our phone everywhere so in this way the virtual notebook comes in handy.
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2. Machine Learning (Career Building Course)
4. Fraud Detection using Machine Learning
5. Machine Learning using Python
6. Movie Recommendation using ML
7. Computer Vision - Text Scanner
8. Computer Vision Based Mouse
9. Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML
Virtual notebook Project description:
This python project deals with the creative idea that people can now keep their every thought in the tract without being forgetful. The developers have created a creative field for users. It is also designed in a way so that people like modern writers can write their stuff and upload where other users can view it comment on it. So basically this is an application where people can be creative and share their views and ideas. It’s like if anyone wants to store any list or any thoughts they can store it and if anyone wants to share their writings they can just upload it where everyone can see and give feedback on it. This is designed by keeping in mind so that most of the MS Office Word functions can be performed.
This python mini-project revolves around two modules one is the admin module and the other one is the user module. The admin module manages all the users that are registered in the site. The admin panel has options for the administrative work of the website.
The user module deals with registered users. It contains all the drafts that a user makes on the notebook. Every detail of the user are being kept in the database safely.
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Most people are now keeping track of their thoughts. Now people are not being so forgetful. The best thing is that it gives a chance to new writers to understand people’s choice as they get feedback on their writings. It proves to be a boon for all of the people as irrespective of where they are they can take down notes virtually and there is no limit to space. People tend to use this more than a physical dairy or a physical notebook. They can just take everything down on this virtual notebook and the data gets stored in the database no chance of data loss due to paper loss.
Software Requirements:
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