This subject sounds intriguing and basic however at a similar point, it is a somewhat tricky project. with the appearance of AI, visual comprehension has gotten progressively important to the PC vision society. Age and Gender orientation orders have been around for a long while now and ceaseless endeavours have been made to improve its outcomes. Furthermore, this has been going on since the rise of social stages, which is very good for developing and growing. This article will show how will you make Gender and age detection using python.
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3. Movie Recommendation using ML
4. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
5. Computer Vision - Text Scanner
6. Computer Vision Based Mouse
7. Handwritten Digits Recognition using ML
Project Description
In this Python Project, we will utilize Deep Learning to precisely recognize the gender and age of an individual from a single image of a face. Let start-
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Project Implementation-
Software Requirement -
-Programming language - Python
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