Internet of Things

7 Best IoT Project Kits

Every once in a while, a new technology, an old problem, and a big idea turn into an innovation.

- Dean Kamen, Dean of Invention – American TV Show

IoT, Internet of Things technology is a classic example for the above statement. IoT is the latest innovation in the field of smart technologies and all the top industries are gearing fast towards the implementation of IoT on to their devices.

Note about Internet of Things Note:

Have you checked out our projects on Internet of Things yet?
Internet of Things Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Home Automation using IoT

2. Smart Irrigation System

3. Smart Building using IoT

4. IoT using Arduino

5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)

7. Smart Water Monitoring

8. Automated Street Lighting

9. Home Automation System using IoT & Raspberry Pi

IoT not only makes the electronic devices smarter but also provides the user with valuable insights to make the processes efficient and productive. It is simply because of the efficient data management system that the IoT system provides to a user.

With the boom in consumer internet usage, almost all the electronic devices that we use in our day to day life collects data about our behavior, preference and personality traits. And IoT technology enables the service providers to use the data collected to improve the overall user experience and interactions.

With such offerings, IoT is quickly transforming the industries and consumer products as we see it.

IoT technology not only amazes us with its offerings but also develops a curiosity within us to learn about it.

Read more..

Here are the 7 Best IoT Project Kits which you can start building:

1. Weather Monitoring System using IoT Project Kit:

With the help of this IoT project kit, you will develop a smart electronic device that can monitor the temperature and humidity changes in the environment and send the data real-time to a remote user. This IoT based system can also be programmed to carry out some actuations whenever the temperature/humidity drops below a threshold value.

You will get 3 major components to build this IoT project,

  1. DHT Sensor – It will detect the temperature/ humidity changes in the environment
  2. Arduino Uno - It will act as the brain of the system and processes the data from the sensor
  3. ESP8266 WiFi Module - This will be used to integrate the system onto cloud and send updates to user

This Weather Monitoring System using IoT Project Kit comes with excellent video tutorials based course content that will help you learn and build the project.

Buy Weather Monitoring System using IoT Project Kit

Latest projects on Internet of Things

Want to develop practical skills on Internet of Things? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

2. Smart Irrigation System using IoT Project Kit:

With the help of this IoT project kit, you will build an electronic device that can facilitate automatic switching ON/OFF of water pump based on the moisture level present in the soil. The device will also send the data collected like water pump functioning time, moisture level variations in the soil etc to cloud for storage and analysis.

You will get 4 major components to build this IoT project,

  1. Soil Moisture Sensor - This will be used to sense the moisture changes in the soil
  2. Arduino Uno - It will act as the brain of the system and sends voltage to the water pump
  3. ESP8266 WiFi Module -This will be integrated to the system, so that the user can get updates remotely
  4. Water Pump -It receives the voltage from Arduino and turn ON/ OFF the water flow

This Smart Irrigation System using IoT Project Kit comes with excellent video tutorials based course content that will help you learn and build the project.

Buy Smart Irrigation System using IoT Project Kit
3. Smart Water Monitoring System using IoT Project Kit:

With the help of this IoT project kit, you will build an electronic device that can monitor the flow of water through pipes and intimate the user about the water usage and leakages real-time. The system uses a water flow sensor to detect the flow of water and sends the data collected to cloud to facilitate storage and analysis.

How to build Internet of Things projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Internet of Things Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Internet of Things today!

You will get 3 major components to build this IoT project,

  1. Flow Sensor - It will detect the flow of water inside the pipe and send the data for interpretation
  2. Arduino Uno - It will act as the brain of the system and processes the data from the sensor
  3. ESP 8266 WiFi Module - This will be used to integrate the system onto cloud and facilitates storage & analysis of data collected

This Smart Water Monitoring System using IoT Project Kit comes with excellent video tutorials based course content that will help you learn and build the project.

Buy Smart Water Monitoring System using IoT Project Kit
4. Automated Street lighting using IoT Project Kit:

With the help of this IoT project kit, you will develop an electronic device that uses LDR sensors to detect the intensity of sunlight present outside and facilitates the automatic switching ON/OFF of the street lights. This IoT system will also send the data collected from the sensor to cloud for storage and analysis.

You will get 4 major components to build this IoT project,

  1. LDR Sensor - It will detect the changes in the sunlight intensity and send the data to the Arduino for interpretation
  2. Arduino Uno - It will act as the brain of the system and processes the data from the sensor & facilitates the Switching ON/OFF of the street light
  3. Relay Drivers - It will be used to convert the voltage that can be used to operate the street lights
  4. ESP 8266 WiFi Module - This will be used to integrate the system onto cloud and facilitates storage & analysis of data collected

This Automated Street lighting using IoT Project Kit comes with excellent video tutorials based course content that will help you learn and build the project.

Buy Automatic Street Lighting System using IoT Project Kit
5. Smart Building System using IoT Project Kit:

With the help of this IoT project kit, you will develop an electronic device that uses PIR sensors to detect the presence of humans and facilitate the automatic switching ON/OFF of lights to save electricity. This IoT based system sends the data collected about the electricity usage and number of occupants over a period of time to cloud for storage and analysis.

You will get 4 major components to build this IoT project,

  1. PIR Sensor - It will detect the presence of people inside the room and send the data to the Arduino board
  2. Arduino Uno - It will act as the brain of the system and processes the data from the sensor & facilitates the Switching ON/OFF of the electrical appliances
  3. Relay Drivers - It will be used to convert the voltage that can be used to operate the electrical appliances
  4. ESP 8266 WiFi Module - This will be used to integrate the system onto cloud and facilitates storage & analysis of data collected

This Smart Building System using IoT Project Kit comes with excellent video tutorials based course content that will help you learn and build the project.

Buy Smart Building System using IoT Project Kit
6. Home Automation System using IoT Project Kit:

With the help of this IoT project kit, you will develop an electronic device that can be used to control all the home appliances via smart phone using Bluetooth Technology. You will be able to link and control all the home appliance using an Android App. Also the data collected about the home appliances functioning will be sent to cloud for storage and analysis.

You will get 4 major components to build this IoT project,

  1. HC-05 Bluetooth Module - It will used to establish a connection between the user’s mobile phone and the IoT system
  2. Arduino Uno - It will act as the brain of the system and processes the data from the sensor & facilitates the Switching ON/OFF of the electrical appliances
  3. Relay Drivers - It will be used to convert the voltage that can be used to operate the electrical appliances
  4. ESP 8266 WiFi Module - This will be used to integrate the system onto cloud and facilitates storage & analysis of data collected


This Home Automation System using IoT Project Kit comes with excellent video tutorials based course content that will help you learn and build the project.

Buy Home Automation System using IoT Project Kit
7. Raspberry Pi based Weather Monitoring System using IoT Project Kit: Raspberry Pi is a miniature size standalone computer that can work independently and controls a system. Using a Raspberry Pi computer and a DHT sensor present in the IoT kit, you will develop an electronic device that streams temperature and humidity data over the internet. You can program the system in such a way that say whenever the temperature exceeds a certain limit, the device will automatically send an email notification. And the data collected will be sent to cloud for storage and analysis.

You will get 2 major components to build this IoT project,

  1. DHT Sensor - It will detect the temperature/ humidity changes in the environment and sends the data to Raspberry Pi
  2. Raspberry Pi - It will act as the brain of the system and processes the data from the sensor & facilitates the remote user update

This Raspberry Pi based Weather Monitoring System using IoT Project Kit comes with excellent video tutorials based course content that will help you learn and build the project.

Buy Weather Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi Project Kit

Here are some important points that need to be considered before buying an IoT Project Kit:

  1. Since IoT is a latest technology, learning to build the project all by yourself will be tough. So prefer IoT kits that come with good course content.
  2. While buying IoT kits with course content, prefer video based tutorials. Because referring documents and building the project will be extremely tough.
  3. Before purchasing the IoT kit, check for the company’s credibility and reputation. You can check for the company’s credibility by going through their social media presence, Google/Facebook reviews etc.
  4. Also before placing your order for the IoT kit, check whether necessary technical assistance will be provided or not from the company’s side if you face with a problem.
  5. Always go for IoT kits that provide you with a very good learning opportunity. The knowledge that you gain will be very helpful in acquiring core jobs & higher studies admissions.

At Skyfi Labs, our engineers keep the above factors in mind while developing IoT kits and course content. So our students all over the world love our courses. You can have a look at the work of some students here:

The IoT kits we offer come with an engaging course content that is delivered with an innovative methodology to ensure your learning. The IoT kits are well tested and dispatched to you within 24 Hours. You can get necessary technical assistance by simply scheduling a doubt session for your convenient time. With this kit, you can complete your IoT project within a week and earn a smart certificate.

Check all IOT project kits from Skyfi Labs

You can contact us at 1800-200-3855 if you need to talk to our expert team.

Also shoot out your queries by commenting below, we will assist you at the earliest.

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7 Best IoT Project Kits
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-03-05

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