Road accidents are one of the most common accidents that occur frequently in the world. Due to these accidents, many people are losing their lives and several people become handicapped. There are many reasons for the occurring of accidents and one of those is the drowsiness of the driver. This will majorly occur with lorry drivers as they will be driving for long distances and the rest is taken them will be less and leading to drowsiness and occurrence of the accidents.
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3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
Project Description
The main aim of the project is to detect the drowsiness of the drivers by facial recognition. This can be done with ease due to an increase in computer technology and also the internet. To make this project work we will be using the camera for live video of the driver and by using the sensor. This IRIS detection is processed by the PANDA algorithm. We can also use an accelerometer to track any sudden changes in the speed of the vehicle. You can also add GPS and GSM based tracker so that the vehicle can be traced all the time and if any accident occurred we can trigger an SMS. And if any abnormal behavior is observed in the driver it will automatically turn on the horn and seat vibrator thereby helps in alerting the driver.
Concepts Used
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Software and hardware components
Project Implementation
The whole project runs on the processor Raspberry Pi. All the components like accelerometer, alcohol detector, GPS and GSM module are connected to the Raspberry Pi. When the project is on, it first tries to detect the alcohol levels of the driver. Here, the MQ-3 sensor is used as it measures the ethanol content in the air. It alerts the whole system if the drive is over drunk and tries to drive the vehicle. If this is clear the project will work on the rest behavior activities of the driver it will try to look for the drowsiness of the driver and a camera is used for recording the driver continuously.
This algorithm works on the eye blink where if the eyes of the driver are closed for more time, it triggers the whole system. The detection if the drowsiness is achieved by using the HAAR algorithm. This will be working as follows:
By detecting and monitoring the behavior of the driver we can ensure safety on roads. This project makes the drive and other users of the road safe. This even controls the rash driving of the driver in the influence of the alcohol.
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