This project focuses on the development of a system which will collect the data periodic wise from different sensors. For this system, the PIC microcontroller
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3. Computer Vision - Text Scanner
and different sensors are used for gathering information the aim should be to provide a detection system at an early point of time that can save lives. Asthma, a chronic health condition prevalent in children can be characterized by breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. An asthma attack can be triggered by a variety of factors including environmental conditions, intense physical activity, humidity, and dust. Asthma is not just a public health problem for developed countries. In developing countries, however, the incidence of the disease varies greatly. There is no cure for asthma. Symptoms can be prevented by monitoring factors which can trigger an asthma attack. So it is very much needed that there should be a system which can monitor air parameter on regular basis and warn the patient when these factors can trigger their asthma attack. This system permits to establish correlations between the air quality parameters and the appearance of respiratory diseases such as asthma as part of environmental medicine approach. After being processed the information and, depending on the results obtained, the system will display the messages if their range is beyond the required limit.
We will require various electronics:
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