Computer Vision

Typing Robot

To learn machine learning and artificial intelligence you need to have good skills in Computer vision and image processing. Machine learning is one of the trending technology which makes the world easy by training the machines and this machine learning blends well with robotics. For example, if you want a robot to pluck an apple from the tree, you need to train it using machine learning, give it a camera for object recognition and some training. And once you can train and make this robot it becomes easy to make a robot that will perform surgeries and more complex robotic projects.

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Typing Robot project Looking to build projects on Computer Vision?:

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1. Surveillance Robot

2. Sixth Sense Robot

3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

4. Computer Vision - Text Scanner

5. Computer Vision Based Mouse

Project Description

This project is performed to make an autonomous robotic arm that will enter the letters using the keyboard. By performing this project you will able to expand your horizon in the machine learning, image processing, and robotics segments. It will also be evident that it is possible to make complex projects. By certain modifications, you can make this robot more functional like performing surgeries, agro-based robots, etc… you can also use artificial intelligence and make the robot learn itself from its mistakes. 

Concepts Used

  • Image Processing
  • Machine learning 

Software and Hardware components

  • Open CV

Latest projects on Computer Vision

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Project Implementation 

The whole project runs on the Jetson TX2. The reason for using this board is it is very much suitable for the development of the project on machine learning and virtual reality. The first step in the project is to build the robot arm. You can use any material like wood, aluminum, etc… but make sure you use a smooth material at the tip that is going to hit the keyboard so that the keyboard will not be damaged. After making the body of the robot. You need to make the connection to the motors that are fixed within the body to the Jetson TX2. This is done by using jumper wires and by the motors will interact with the Jetson TX2 with the jumper wires. For understanding the working of the typing robot goes through the following steps clearly:

  1. At first, the camera attached to the typing robot will try to recognize the objects present in front of it.
  2. This image is analyzed using the edges present in it.
  3. Once the camera gets it will process the letters present on the keyboard
  4. After this, if you send any input in the form of the sentence to the Jetson TX2, it will automatically type the sentence on the keyboard.
  5. Once the sentence is completed the robot comes to the rest position

By using this typing robot we can increase the typing speed and also use them in the coding sector where developers write the whole code for days. As mentioned earlier it will also help us and developers to develop more complex project s by tweaking it. It is advisable for you that if you are looking to develop your career in the robotics, machine learning segments this projects will be a good start. 


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Kit required to develop Typing Robot:
Technologies you will learn by working on Typing Robot:
Typing Robot
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-18

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