We will make our very own Image Classifier which can recognize whether a given pic is a cat or dog or something different relying on your sustained info. To accomplish our objective, we will utilize one among the acclaimed AI calculations out there that are utilized for Image Classification, for instance, Convolutional Neural Network (or CNN).
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3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
Project Description
CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)
CNN is a class of profound neural systems, most ordinarily applied to break down visual imagery.ep neural systems, most regularly applied to investigate visual symbolism.
Build CNN
This progression is one among the foremost vital strides of the task and It contains 3 sections
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Machine Learning
Ml is characterized because the field of study that offers computers the potential to find out while not being expressly programmed and furthermore it's only one method for showing the machine by nourishing large amounts of data. Here within the project, we need an outsized quantity of dataset of cats and dogs for image classification.
Project Implementation
We have to play out some essential strides to accomplish our objectives and steps are:
Software Requirement
Programming language - Python, Keras, TensorFlow
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