We all have seen the famous “Harry Potter Invisible cloak” in the harry potter movie and if you are a fan of Harry Potter movies simply like me, then you must know that Harry Potter uses an invisible cloak to become invisible.
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3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
Here we will make our own “Invisibility Cloak” using OpenCV-python and some basic computer vision techniques. We likewise going to utilize some fundamental thought of color detection and segmentation to create some magical experience just like Harry Potter does in his movies.
Project Description
Colour detection and segmentation- It is an Image Processing method and by making segments of a single predefined color from the video and replacing it with a pre-existing same background, we can create the invisible cloak.
You must have a cloth of the similar shading and there ought to be no other shading noticeable in that material. Here we are taking the red cloth and if you want you can take some other color cloth-like green, blue color cloth, etc. But there will be some changes in timing and code as well.
HSV color space value- “Why we choose a red color or Can we another color as well?”
Truly, we can utilize any color cloth in making this cloak. We simply need to refresh the HSV estimation of the shading in our code.
HSV color space value tell us the colors using three values -
1. H is Hue, Hue describe the color information, range from 0 to 360 degrees.
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2. S is Saturation, it describes the dim shading in a specific shading running from 0 to 100% and the purity of color.
3. V is Value, it describes the brightness of the color, from 0–100 %, where 0 is totally dark, and 100 is the brightest and uncovers the most shading.
OpenCV-python- We are going to code our project in OpenCV-python, and OpenCV-Python is a library of Python used to determine the computer vision problems. OpenCV-Python utilizes Numpy, which is an exceptionally streamlined and reliable library for numerical activities with a MATLAB-style language structure.
Project Implementation
There are some fundamental to make invisibility cloak and the steps are:
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Software Requirements
Programming language - OpenCV - Python
Operating System - windows, ubuntu.
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