Raspberry Pi

Intelligent Parking system using Raspberry Pi

In today’s universe, especially in India the car parking arrangement is not so well built up. Let’s get an example of the shopping malls of our nation, on peak hours or on weekends there is a vast deficit of parking slots.

Management doesn’t know whether the parking is full or not, and they keep on letting the vehicles in the basement.

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Intelligent Parking system using Raspberry Pi project Looking to build projects on Raspberry Pi?:

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This creates the situation worse, loss of time, and gets a stressful environment and so forth to reduce such a person can build a small device which can sense the vehicle and allot a parking slot and inform the management when the parking is full.

Project description

Plan and produce an intelligent car parking scheme which will enjoin us that if the car parking slots are full or not and if they are empty, which slots are empty to keep time and provide dependable customer care. All of this can be viewed on a web app or a mobile app. The language will be python that will help to see the slots. And web designing for the application and use of Raspberry Pi for the gimmick.

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Tools and Technologies

  • Raspberry Pi 3
  • Breadboard with connectors
  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
  • A keyboard, A mouse, projector with HDMI cable and an SD card
  • Python Programming language
  • Firebase for uploading data on a cloud
  • Android Studio

Modules Required

  • Connection of Raspberry pi
  • Solicitation of the data using sensors
  • Storing the data on the cloud
  • Establishing the data along with the application


  • The device will sense and tell which all slots are empty and filled when a vehicle enters the parking lot
  • And so the data fetched from the sensing elements will help allot the parking lot to the vehicle.

Project execution

  • Install raspbian OS on your computer locally to establish it on Raspberry pi.
  • Boot up the Pi by plugging it to the keyboard, mouse any necessary peripheral
  • Use the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor, it is to be linked to the breadboard using connectors
  • By using proper resistances and connectors, connect the breadboard to the pins of Raspberry Pi using the pin diagram of it.
  • The raspberry pi then is to be tied to the desktop/projector with supporting peripheral devices
  • Install python’s latest version of it by commands using Wi-Fi
  • Then compose a code which will help pull out the data from the detectors.
  • Then connect the pi to firebase to store the information.
  • Connect fire-base to the application, to show the data of slots empty/filled.

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Kit required to develop Intelligent Parking system using Raspberry Pi:
Technologies you will learn by working on Intelligent Parking system using Raspberry Pi:
Intelligent Parking system using Raspberry Pi
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-15

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