IoT based ICU patient Monitoring

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IoT based ICU patient Monitoring
Intensive Care Unit or ICU is where the patients who are critically ill are admitted for treatment. For such critical conditions, the Doctors need to have an all-time update patient’s health-related parameters like their blood pressure, heart pulse, and temperature. To do manually, this is too tedious a task and also for multiple patients it becomes close to impossible. For this type of situations, this IOT based system can bring about an automation that can keep the Doctors updated all-time over the internet.

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IOT Based ICU Patient Monitoring System is a Raspberry Pi based system which collects patient’s information with the help of few sensors. It uses Wifi module to communicate this information to the internet. There are Blood pressure and heartbeat monitor module electrically connected to the system and physically to be worn by the user. On the press of a button, the sensor senses the blood pressure in systolic and diastolic along with the heartbeat and sends it to the central controller.

Skyfi Labs Projects
The Temperature sensor senses the temperature of its ambiance, so when this sensor is in close proximity of the user it reports the users’ body temperature. Thus, the doctor can get access to these vital parameters pertaining to the patients’ health over the IOT Thingspeak web interface from anywhere over the world. In this way IOT Based ICU Patient Monitoring System is an enhanced system that helps in monitoring ICU Patients without any manual intervention.

Project Description:

  1. Raspberry Pi 3 B: You can use Raspberry Pi as a server, program raspberry pi to take the data from Arduino, and depending on the data acquired you can actuate the camera, exhaust and also turn off the machines. Program the raspberry pi such that the data that is acquired from sensors is uploaded to the cloud and when an intruder is found in the restricted area then click a picture and mail it to the email ID given in the program.
  2. Micro SD card: You will need a minimum of 8 gigabytes SD card for this project, this SD card is used as the ROM of the raspberry pi. Use 32 Gigabyte or 64 Gigabytes of
  3. Li-Po battery: Raspberry Pi needs a power supply of 5V and 2A and Li-Po battery can be used for the power supply. Use 2500mAh Li-Po battery.
  4. DC-DC Voltage Regulator: DC-DC Voltage Regulator gives a constant voltage to 5V.
  5. Mouse and keyboard: You will need this to control, monitor, and to configure the Pi.
  6. Display: You can use any kind of display for the project, like monitors, TV or any size display that fits your requirement to configure the Pi.
  7. Temperature sensor: You can use any temperature sensor to detect the temperature of the patient some of the are DHT11, DHT22 and these sensors also detect humidity in the environment.
  8. Blood pressure sensor: You can use Blood pressure sensor to detect the patients BP.

Project Implementation:

  1. Install the Raspbian OS into the SD card, and boot the Raspberry Pi.
  2. Install Python IDE 3 in Raspberry Pi.
  3. Connect your Display with the HDMI cable. Plug in the keyboard and mouse to navigate and configure the raspberry pi.
  4. Create a Thingspeak channel and update the write key in the program so that the system links with the channel.
  5. Write a program which takes inputs from the Temperature sensor and Blood pressure sensor, when any patient is admitted in ICU the condition of the patient will be critical, doctors have to monitor the conditions of the patient. Using this system you can view the patient's temperature and the Blood pressure from any a remote place.
Project Brief: Once you set up your project, the doctors can monitor the patient from a remote place and if the condition is critical then they can take some measures and go for the treatment for the patient.

Software requirements:

  1. Raspbian OS(Debian Linux):Raspbian operating systems are based on Linux, Raspberry pi are also compatible with Windows and IOS but prefer any Linux based OS.
  2. Python IDE 3: Python IDE 3 is compiler where you can write and compile python program.
  3. Thingspeak API: Thingspeak API is a online IoT based software which helps us to update the data and monitor and even to track the position of the system.

Programing Language:

  1. Linux (terminal commands)
  2. Python
Kit required to develop IoT based ICU patient Monitoring:
Technologies you will learn by working on IoT based ICU patient Monitoring:

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