The industrial wastewater is highly polluted in nature with the presence of variable characteristics such as oil and grease, excess chloride content, acids and alkaline, total solids etc. Due to this problem, it is not possible to release wastewater into a watercourse or on land. There are many treatment methods are available to remove these pollutants. Electrocoagulation is one of the wastewater treatment method which is easy to apply and cheap in cost.
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Electro means applying an electrical charge to water and coagulation is a process of reducing the strength of pollutants. Copper, graphite, aluminum, zinc are the different electrodes used in this process. In this past decade, most developed countries started to use this process for the treatment of industrial wastewater. This process provides a fast rate of pollutant removal and the chemical additive is not required.
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With the help of experimental results, you are now able to compare the Electro-coagulation process with conventional treatment methods to find the most efficient and cheaper treatment technology
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