Charging Mobile with Coins
Tej Kumar

Nowadays Smartphones are common to all. Mobile phones have become a daily need where most of our works are done through it. The most common problem we face while using mobile phones is Charge in mobile. Through this project, you are going to build a unique project where mobile charging through coin boxes.
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This will generate revenue because everyone uses mobile phones today. You will need an Arduino Uno board to act as the brain of the system. The microcontroller will be connected with a Coin Sensor which allows you to charge your mobile for a certain time. You will program the microcontroller in such a way that, say as soon as the coin sensor detects the coin, it activates the mc which makes relay on and the mobile starts charging. Also, you can check the coin sensor status on the LCD screen.
Project Description:
- Arduino/Genuino Uno: The digital and analog input/output pins equipped in this board can be interfaced to various expansion boards and other circuits.
Serial communication interface is a feature in this board, including USB which will be used to load the programs from computer.
- N-Channel Relay Module: The n-Channels Relay module’s operating voltage is 5V DC with drive current of 20mA. This relay can be interfaced with many no. of microcontrollers such as Arduino, AVR, PIC, ARM and MSP430. Here we use Arduino, because programming is not that much typical. This relay module has ports “NC” abbreviated as “Normally connected to COM”, “NO” abbreviated as “Normally open to COM” and “COM” abbreviated as Common. Along with these, there will be two types of LED’s, one is to show the power status of the board and other for showing the relay status. Here “N” indicates the no relays on single board. We have 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12-Channel Relay Module are available in the market.
- Coin Sensor: Coin Sensor is generally an electromagnet which detects coin. Whenever a coin cuts the magnetic field of the electromagnet, it gives the signal to mc.
- Normal Charger: The normal mobile charger contains a Transformer which is used to Step-down the voltage from 230V AC to 5V AC and Rectifier circuit to convert 5V AC to 5V DC
- LCD Display 16*2: Generally we use LCD to display the limited set of output statements. At present we use mostly 16*2(4-bit communication) and 16*4(8-bit communication), which means 16 letter spaces with 2 lines and 16 letter spaces with 4 lines(each line will have 16 letter spaces)
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Project Implementation:
- The Relay Module is interfaced with the mobile charger and micro controller
- The Coin sensor is interfaced with microcontroller
- Once interfacing done, upload the programme into microcontroller
- Insert the coin in the coin sensor and connect your mobile to the charger
- You can see the mobile getting charged
Software requirements:
- Arduino IDE : You will be needing Arduino IDE software to write and upload the programming logic onto the Arduino Uno board
- Thingspeak : Also, you need to create an account in the ThinkSpeak IoT platform to integrate the system onto the cloud and store the data online
Programming language: Arduino Programming (C++)
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Kit required to develop Charging Mobile with Coins:
Technologies you will learn by working on Charging Mobile with Coins:
Charging Mobile with Coins
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-02 •
Last Updated: