Robotics for kids

Best STEM based robotics classes for kids in Kolkata

Robots are machines that are developed to help humans to perform monotonous and difficult jobs. From smart home devices to industrial robots, to surgical robots, robotics is surrounded by us. It is the unavoidable technology of the future, so it is very important to teach your kid about robotics.

This article briefs about how to introduce robotics for kids, how robotics teach STEM, why kids should learn robotics and finally some best robotics classes for kids in Kolkata.

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1. Robotics Explorer (Age 11+)

2. Robotics Champion (Age 14+)

3. Coding Champion (Age 14+)

4. Coding Starter (Age 8+)

5. Coding Explorer (Age 11+)

6. Drones Starter (Age 8+)

7. Drones Explorer (Age 11+)

8. Drones Champion (Age 14+)

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How robotics helps kids in learning STEM?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. These all are the subjects that a kid should learn to develop a bright career. STEM helps kids to become thinkers, creators, doers, innovators, inventors and problem-solvers in future. Building a strong foundation in STEM subjects at an early age will help kids in their higher education.

But getting kids interested in STEM subjects is not an easy task. STEM Robotics kits help kids learn how things work and how they are put together. Robotics entertain kids as they are learning by putting things together, they will show more interest than the traditional lectures.

With the help of the STEM robotics kit, kids can learn the science and technology concepts practically.

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Why should kids learn robotics?

Apart from STEM concepts, robotics also teaches 21st-century skills like programming, communication, decision making, creativity, critical thinking, leadership and so on.

Getting exposed to technologies at an early age will make them think futuristic. This gives them the confidence to build and develop futuristic products and make them as job providers rather than job seekers.

Writing code and getting output on a computer screen will not give much excitement for kids. STEM robotics kits help kids to see their coding in action as the robot actuates/responds according to the program.

As kids are working with various robotic components and robots can be built in different ways. Kids get a chance to enhance their creativity by fixing the robot as per their wish.

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How to introduce robotics for kids?

As mentioned earlier robotics is an interesting subject for kids if it is taught in a wrong way kids will not show interest to learn. Robotics involves more practical than theoretical thus proper robotic kit is required for kids to build a robot.

There are many easy ways to introduce robotics for kids like getting a DIY robotic kit, joining kids in robotics classes or summer camps and so on.

Robotics is an interesting subject but a complex one. Kids require some initial guidance to develop the robot as it involves different types of components. DIY kits help your kid to build a robot but there will not be much learning.

So, robotic classes are the best choice where kids will be introduced to basic robotic concepts. After learning the basics, they will get the confidence to build their own robot. The next section will give you the best robotics summer camps and classes for kids in Kolkata.

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How to build Robotics for kids projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Robotics for kids Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Robotics for kids today!

Best STEM-based robotics classes for kids in Kolkata

Kolkata is the educational centre for eastern India. Kids who live in Kolkata have a better opportunity to develop their skills with the help of a variety of after school learning centres. Below are some robotics classes for kids in Kolkata that educates them robotics practically:

  1. Robotics starter class for kids
  2. Robotics explorer class for kids
  3. Robotics champion class for kids

What they will learn from these robotics classes?

Robotics helps kids to make their dreams come true. In these robotics classes, kids will learn the basics of robotics practically by developing various projects with the help of a STEM robotics kit.

Robotics starter class is designed for kids of age 8 plus. They will build different projects with the help of block-based kits without coding. Following are the projects they will develop as part of this robotics program, smart lamp, saltwater circuit, newton disc, smart street light, smart light drawer, etc. Developing these projects help kids to understand the programming logic and circuit connections. After learning and building the small projects they will develop a line following robot.

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Robotics explorer class is for kids of age 10 plus. In this robotics class, kids will be introduced into the actual robotics components like Arduino, IR sensors, DC motor, Water pump, etc. They will use the Scratch programming language and develop projects like railway gate, water dispenser, smart room lighting system, smart plant watering system, smart dustbin, etc. After building minor projects they will develop three different robots:

  • Line following robot
  • Obstacle avoiding robot
  • Light following robot

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Robotics champion class is for kids of age 14 plus. In this robotics class, kids will program the robot with the actual text-based programming language. Kids will use Arduino programming language to instruct the robot. Kids will also learn about components like Bluetooth module, accelerometer sensor, IR sensor, Arduino, etc. As part of this robotics program, kids will develop robots like -

  • Voice-controlled robot
  • Gesture controlled robot
  • Bluetooth controlled robot
  • Obstacle avoiding robot
  • Obstacle following robot
  • Line following robot

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All these classes cover the robotics concepts from basics so there is no prior knowledge on electronics and coding is required. As classes are conducted privately in live 1-1 sessions kids can interact freely with the tutor. Also, the tutor can modify the session based on the kid’s response.

Robotics is a field that is growing rapidly and very soon we will find robots in every nook and corner of the world. Thus, encourage robotics for kids and help them to prepare for the future.

Other fun activities for kids in Kolkata

Kolkata is a vibrant place and it attracts tourists from all over the world. Also, it is situated in the banks of the Hooghly river that makes it more attractive for the visitors. Following are some fascinating places to visit in Kolkata with kids.

Alipore Zoo in Kolkata is the oldest zoological park in India that dates back to 1900. The best place to visit with kids on weekends. This place educates kids about various life forms. From tigers, zebras, elephants to rhinos, deers and birds, over 1266 animals can be found here.

Nicco Park Kolkata’s very one Disneyland - this place is opened in the year 1991 that expands up to 40 acres and consists of 35 different rides that gives a mixed feeling of fun, adventure and thrill. This place also contains a large water park which gives an unforgettable experience for kids.

The botanical garden is located just outside of the city limits on the banks of the Hooghly river which makes it a perfect picnic spot for families. This garden was established in the year 1787 which makes it one of the oldest botanical gardens in the country. This place keeps the kids busy for hours by exploring the beautiful flowers and plants available here.

Best STEM based robotics classes for kids in Kolkata
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-03-30

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