Robotics for kids

Top 10 Robotics Competitions for Children


With every passing year, science and technology continue to grow in amazing ways. Robotics has become a part of our lives by transforming the manufacturing industry and making its way into other fields. So much so that robotics and STEM competitions have now become popular. These competitions attract thousands of competitors from all around the world. Such student robotics competitions help improve interest in science. They also encourage learning. Such youth robotics competitions also help children of all ages start exploring the world of robotics. They also help with several things and offer great incentives. In this article, we will look at a few elementary robotics competitions, how youth robotics competitions help and how to prepare for them. 

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1. Robotics Explorer (Age 11+)

2. Robotics Champion (Age 14+)

3. Coding Champion (Age 14+)

4. Coding Starter (Age 8+)

5. Coding Explorer (Age 11+)

6. Drones Starter (Age 8+)

7. Drones Explorer (Age 11+)

8. Drones Champion (Age 14+)

Why are student robotics competitions important?

The Indian IT landscape is still embracing Industry 5.0 that introduces robotics and automation. While robots are a part of several manufacturing assembly lines, they have found a way into our homes. The need for people skilled in robotics, automation and control systems are on the rise. As a result, more and more young students are looking for ways to improve their skills in such domains. What better way to do that than through elementary robotics competitions? These youth robotics competitions offer children with countless opportunities to improve their skill. Furthermore, it also prepares kids for future careers. Now let us take a more in-depth look into the advantages elementary robotics competitions provide.

Advantages of participating in robotics competitions

  1. Provides children with an opportunity to better your skills in STEM.
  2. Helps imbibe the spirit of exploration and experimenting in children that is critical for growth in STEM.
  3. Makes it easier for children to understand and grasp STEM concepts.
  4. Plays an important role in making learning more fun for children.
  5. Improves the critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities of children.
  6. Betters children’s’ communication skills
  7. Improves team building, leadership and management skills.
  8. Allows children to make new friends who are as passionate about STEM as them.
  9. Serves as a great team-building tool that allows children to improve their social skills and build confidence. 
  10. Works as a great tool to help children who don’t like sports involved in team-building activities. 
  11. Earn prestigious scholarships and improves chances of getting admissions into top universities. 
  12. Gain experience working in high-pressure situations that are demanding

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10 Best Robotics Competitions for Kids

1. B.E.S.T Robotics Design Competition

BEST is one of the best students robotics competitions in the world. This design contest is a great tournament for young high-schoolers. The competition allows students to explore their most innovative ideas and occurs over a span of six weeks. This youth robotics competition requires students to design and build a robot within that period. The said robot will then have to complete a few tasks within a stipulated time frame and will compete against other robots.

2. WRO India

The World Robot Olympiad India has been held since 2006. It is also one of the largest youth robotics competitions held in the country. The Indian STEM Foundation handles the organisation of this students robotics competition. This elementary robotics competition is open to students between the ages of nine and twenty-five. It offers several challenges for students. Some of the competitions it hosts include WEDO, Advanced Challenges, WRO Brick Set Challenge and WRO Football. 

3. Technician

This popular youth robotics competition provides children with a platform to showcase their engineering skills. This students robotics competition encourages innovation and automation by introducing various challenge-based competitions, and it is open for students in school and doing their graduation. Most of the competitions revolve around racing, while a few have Robo War contests as well. 

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4. SP Robotics Works

This youth robotics competition was India’s first premier league for robotics. The competition witnesses 50 competent robotics teams from across the country fight it out for the top prize. Not only does this competition encourage innovation, but it also gives young engineers a platform to showcase their design talent. The competition is open to both school and college students and gets national coverage and popularity due to its various challenge-based rounds. 

5. Robotfest

This elementary robotics competition aims to encourage young children to improve their skills in design and automation. The program also wishes to inspire young minds to innovate and design their robots capable of various technical feats. It is an autonomous robotics competition that helps in generating excitement for STEM in India. The competition is open to children all the way from 4rth standard to college and receives a lot of applications every year. 

6. Botball Robotics Program

This great youth robotics competition helps encourage high-schoolers to pick-up coding. The Botball Educational Robotics Program also explores the use of Artificial Intelligence and the creation of autonomous robots. The entire competition occurs over seven weeks, during which the teams have to design, build and create their robot to compete against the others.

7. FIRST: Robotics Competition

The FIRST student robotics competition requires children to build an industrial-sized robot. This competition is so great because it provides a birds-eye-view to children of the process of development. The children have to engage in fund-raising, research about robotics and then design their own bot. While they do have a professional mentor overlooking their activities, most of the heavy-lifting is done by them on their own. 

8. National Robotics Challenge

This is a great youth robotics competition that helps children improve their understanding of automation and robotics. The National Robotics Challenge works with simple materials and kits and helps children design smaller more economic robots. The competition typically includes search and rescue puzzles and mazes. While it focuses on children, the competition is also open to college students and graduates. 

9. VEX Robotics

One of the largest elementary robotics competitions in the world, the VEX Competition attracts thousands of teams. Regarded as the fastest growing robotics-based tournament it witnesses competition from 50 different countries, leading to over 1700 different contests all around the world. The tournament provides schoolchildren with an opportunity to gain experience working with robots. 

10. MakeX

An all-round students robotics competition, MakeX encourages all aspects of STEAM. It comprises challenging puzzles and rounds that help children of all ages explore robotics. They also provide a lot of support through online methods, making the program more affordable. Also, the program is suitable for children as young as 6, while also being effective for young adults and college-going students. 

As you can see, the world around us is progressing at an alarming pace. The least we can do to help our children stay ahead is to encourage their thirst for knowledge. Student robotics competitions are the best way to do this as it helps make learning fun. Enroll in such competitions and help your children grow up to be the smart geniuses they are. 

Curious to explore your knowledge of robotics? Take our Robotics Quiz for kids.

Top 10 Robotics Competitions for Children
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2024-04-03

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