Robotics for kids

How to get prepared for a Robotics Competition?

Chasing for success is something that all humans do. Whether it is a class assignment, a promotion at your workplace or even a robotic competition, we all want to do well for ourselves. But, while we do know what success means with regards to a test or job, what does it truly mean to be successful at a robotics competition for kids? Since success is about achieving what you desire and not just coming first, every student robotics competition can bring success if you set your goals right. Here is a look at some robotics competition tips to help you get prepared for a student robotics competition, and achieve success the right way!

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Note about Robotics for kids Note:

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1. Robotics Explorer (Age 11+)

2. Robotics Champion (Age 14+)

3. Coding Champion (Age 14+)

4. Coding Starter (Age 8+)

5. Coding Explorer (Age 11+)

6. Drones Starter (Age 8+)

7. Drones Explorer (Age 11+)

8. Drones Champion (Age 14+)

What happens at a robotics competition?

Robotics competitions for kids have become a hit lately due to the fact they encourage kids to take up robotics. This heavily STEM-influenced field helps children grasp scientific concepts better. As a result, participating in student robotics competitions help students build a passion for science. Most robotics competitions for kids encourage children to develop their own robots and battle it out in a series of rounds. While different games have differing rules, some of the main qualities they test for are strength and endurance. Most competitions also feature either a racecourse or a battle royale element to test out the reliability, robustness and durability of your robot.

Why are student robotics competitions important?

These competitions are useful because they teach children several essential skills that can help them in the 21-st century. Here’s a look at the main benefits they provide;

  1. Help children better their scientific knowledge
  2. Provides children with an objective that requires research and learning
  3. Helps young kids meet similar people with the same passions
  4. Provides children with an informative and passionate hobby
  5. Teaches children how to work together as a team
  6. Improves their problem-solving skills
  7. Introduces them to a sleuth of necessary mechanical and electrical skills
  8. An affordable, scalable and engaging way to help children stay motivated in STEM
  9. Develop leadership skills and understand how to make a project work

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What are the different methods to build a team for a robotics competition for kids?

There are several different approaches you can take towards team-building. Most robotic competition tips and tricks websites talk about the following methods;

  1. Chinese: Learn from the very best and keep reworking and combining ideas until you build a great robot. Prototyping is the go-to Chinese method that allows teams to continually rework on their designs sustainably and efficiently. You need to keep working on a prototype bot till you feel you cannot make it better. Take different elements from different teams and try to put it together to form a durable and robust robot.
  2. Russian: As per this approach, every team member needs to start working harder. This method entails extracting the highest possible amount of work from each member to boost productivity. These teams beat their competition by outworking them and spending more time with their robot than the other groups. This helps them understand their machine better, run quick diagnostics, fix issues and retain control for longer. 
  3. German: As the name suggests, the German engineering methodology requires precision, accuracy and high efficiency. Such teams concern themselves with doing the most work in the least amount of time possible. They standardise and organise to prevent the wastage of time, and have the most optimum resource allocation.
  4. Israeli: Take shortcuts as and when you can to shorten your development time. Approach people who know better than you and get pre-made parts to fasten the process of assembly. Also, focus on your human skills, such as R&D and assembly, rather than focusing on getting every part manufactured precisely the right way. 
  5. American: This method is big on resources as certain bots require more money to build. In this approach, teams do not bother about the cost of components, and instead, keep investing in their bots. While this is used for serious robotics competitions, this approach does not hold much merit for robotics competitions for kids. Since it requires serious fundraising and part-time working, children are mostly not expected to follow such a methodology. 

How to build Robotics for kids projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Robotics for kids Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

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Best Robotics Competition Tips

  1. Make sure your team members decide on what type of robot you need, and how much you are willing to spend on it. It will also impact everything you do from now, from budgeting to scheduling work for each team member. Have a good, long discussion before finalising your plans to avoid confusion later.
  2. Set measurable goals and deadlines to measure your progress and track development proactively. Each prototype you build should have a definite purpose and characteristics.
  3. Keep reworking on your design, as the process is meant to be iterative. There is always something you can do better on your machine. So, find it and keep working on it. 
  4. Make sure you are ready for the unexpected. On the last day, you might find something to not be working properly. Understand that all of this is part of the struggle. Keep a calm head and try to figure out ways to solve the problem.
  5. Lean on your team and always ask for assistance without hesitation. The main benefit of student robotics competitions is that they help you learn to work together. Make the most of this and always reach out if you don’t understand something.
  6. Try to have multiple solutions so that you have a back-up in case something fails. For small parts that are prone to wearing out, always carry spares. 
  7. Relax and remember to enjoy the process, instead of worrying the entire time. Every robotics competition for kids that you participate in is a victory on its own. As long as you walk away from a competition, a little smarter and better, it is all good.

How can I learn robotics? 

Robotics Starter Course

In case you feel your child has a natural liking towards science, then enrol him/her in this course! Built specifically to help children get interested in STEM, this course is the perfect gateway to larger things. It requires no prior coding or robotics knowledge and serves as a Plug-and-play entry into robotics, using which they can develop various projects. Students will work on smart lamps, street lights and also an RC-bot.

Book a free trial class!

Robotics Explorer Course

If your child has an inkling for science, then this course will make things more interesting. Perfect for young children around the age of 11, our Explorer course helps indulge your child’s curiosity. They will learn about simple technologies, helping them gain a better understanding of the world around them. Some of the projects they will work on are smart dustbin, water dispenser, and simple robots. 

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Robotics champion Course

Suitable for bigger kids who have some understanding of STEM, this robotics course works wonders. The course focuses on honing the skills of children older than 14 and helps introduce text-based coding to children. Furthermore, it also helps them start their journey working on electrical components like sensors and modules. By the end, children will build a gesture-controlled, obstacle and voice-controlled robot.

Book a free trial class!

All these classes are built specifically for children to help make their entry into robotics easier and more comfortable. Engineers teach these classes, and each child gets the attention they deserve. So, what are you waiting for? Help your child gain an edge in this modern world by enrolling for our classes and courses, and help make STEM fun!

How to get prepared for a Robotics Competition?
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-18

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