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Coding for kids - The ultimate guide for parents


As we all know, IT is considered one of India’s fortes and has been the biggest driver of growth for the Indian economy. As we enjoy a pool of very talented workers, a lot of American companies outsource their work to Indian coders. This is one of the reasons why Computer Science sees the highest placement rates and best packages in Indian colleges. However, the ability to code is something that we can instil in our young ones from an early age. In fact, out of all the disciplines of engineering, Computer Science and IT are the two branches that we can start developing on our own. 

While Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical will need access to a lot of machinery and components, learning programming requires only a laptop and access to the internet. Therefore, to become strong performers, we should encourage children to start learning these skills on their own. Being able to code is a valuable asset and something that we must nurture in our kids. That is where coding camps for kids come into the picture. Coding for kids can be a fun and engaging adventure that improves their STEM knowledge, while also encouraging their curiosity. With that being said, let us take a look at some of the best coding classes for kids!

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1. Robotics Explorer (Age 11+)

2. Robotics Champion (Age 14+)

3. Coding Champion (Age 14+)

4. Coding Starter (Age 8+)

5. Coding Explorer (Age 11+)

6. Drones Starter (Age 8+)

7. Drones Explorer (Age 11+)

8. Drones Champion (Age 14+)

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What is Coding for Kids?

Coding, better known as computer programming, is the process by which we create programs that enable computers to carry out tasks. It works as a sequential order of steps for the computer to follow, to complete the job expected of them. Coding for kids involves introducing children to the art of coding and having them learn programming languages. It consists of writing code, debugging it, improving it, and then implementing the program. It is growing in popularity, as teaching coding prepares kids for jobs of the future. To make things for fun for children, coding for kids requires the gamification of the process of learning.

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When can kids start learning to code?

As the process of teaching children to code involves a lot of fun games, it can start as young as when the children are 5. Therefore, this is the perfect way to get children introduced to essential aspects of coding and programming. Visual block interfaces and other text-based classes are the building blocks of such a program. Coding for kids makes use of fun games, apps, and kid-centric projects to make children understand key concepts of coding. Therefore, you can enroll your kids as soon as they hit 7 if 5 seems too early for you. At 5, the biggest problem might be that they miss home or too much, or cannot stay focused enough for 30-minute sessions. However, this obstacle is cleared by the time they reach the age of seven.

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Benefits of teaching coding for kids

  1. Learning coding at a younger age provides children with more opportunities in the future.
  2. Studies show that the demand for software engineers will grow by 26% between 2016 and 2026. Therefore, learning to code will make them better prepared for the future.
  3. Classes taught in schools might not be enough to prepare your child for the future, as they already have several other subjects to focus on at school.
  4. In school, coding is taught like any other subject, and therefore, it does not interest the kids as much as online coding classes or coding camps.
  5. Most schools do not have enough tools and resources that help make the art of teaching programming more fun.
  6. Investing in online coding classes for kids helps them grow at their own pace and move ahead when they feel ready to do so. Most of these sessions are one-on-one, and therefore, children receive the attention they require.

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How to build Robotics for kids projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Robotics for kids Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
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How Coding helps kids in STEM learning?

  • Learning computer science helps improve skills in primary subjects such as Science, Math, analytical skills, logic, sequential thinking, and problem-solving.
  • Enable children to think and look for more creative solutions.
  • Teaches them discipline as they need to go through their code multiple times to debug it.
  • Encourages children to look at the problem from various angles and think through each scenario to find the right answer.
  • Coding for kids encourages them to think out of the box.
  • Since learning how to program is like learning a new language, starting early helps.
  • Computer-based occupations make up more than 60% of the jobs in STEM, and therefore CS is one of the most essential elements in STEM.
  • Teaches skills and techniques that are relevant to today’s job market.

Tips to Help Your Kid Start Coding!

  1. Make sure the classes are entertaining, and that your child is having fun. 
  2. Try to have a look at the curriculum and choose courses that have the right mix of essential theory concepts and fun projects.
  3. Remember that a lot of essential concepts can be taught through fun apps and games.
  4. Try to look for courses that help in extending their curiosity and existing passion.
  5. Explain the need for coding in the future, and talk about all the exciting things they can do once they learn how to code. 
  6. Look for local or online coding classes that encourage kids to explore.
  7. Try to go for one-on-one classes as they end up helping your child much more than a regular live class.

Best online coding classes for kids

How do I teach my child to code?

Following are some online coding class for kids that teaches your kid coding from basics:

1. Coding Starter class for kids (Age 8+)

The perfect starter camp for young coders, this online coding class, will ensure that your child gets introduced to the world of coding. In case your child has ever shown any inclination to programming or video game, enlist them here and watch as we nurture their skills. This coding class starts with the basics, and children will learn how to make paintings from scratch, create small animations, and even make a Pegasus.

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2. Coding Explorer class for kids (Age 11+)

If your child is a beginner in the art of coding, the Explorer coding class will help him/her look for answers and better their knowledge. This online coding class pushes your kid to understand programming in a more in-depth sense by introducing newer concepts to your kid. The kids will be using the programming language, scratch to build apps and games for themselves. Some of the projects they will be working on are Ping- pong game, Monster-killer, Flappy Bird, and Treasure hunter.

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3. Coding Champion class for kids (Age 14+)

In case your child already has some basic knowledge in coding, enroll them in Coding Champion course. This online coding class is designed to help your kid explore the world of technology. Your kid will learn concepts and develop live projects using the MIT App Inventor. Some of the programs they will develop through the duration of this course are a text-to-speech app, Video player App, Messenger App, and a GPS location App.

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All these coding classes are conducted online in live 1-1 sessions privately by expert tutors with an engineering background. So the trainer gets the advantage to focus only on your kid and can change the pace of the class accordingly.

If you are confused to choose a coding class for your kid, Book a free trial where the expert interacts with your kid by teaching the basic concepts and suggest you the best option for your kid.

I hope now you have understood the importance of teaching coding for kids. As coding is considered as a necessary skill rather than a special one, teach your kid coding to make him future-ready.

Coding for kids - The ultimate guide for parents
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2024-05-15

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