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Good science fair projects for school students


To understand science well, students require to participate in the science fair. These fair show casts the talent of the student and provides a hands-on experience to them for understanding the subject well. Various schools organize these fairs on different levels students who can present good science fair projects are sent further for competitions. There are a few easy things to do for students to get extra marks on a science project. So, get your hands on these incredibly science projects. These school science projects are very handy and are mostly suitable for children.

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1. Robotics Explorer (Age 11+)

2. Robotics Champion (Age 14+)

3. Coding Champion (Age 14+)

4. Coding Starter (Age 8+)

5. Coding Explorer (Age 11+)

6. Drones Starter (Age 8+)

7. Drones Explorer (Age 11+)

8. Drones Champion (Age 14+)

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Why is Science Fair Important?

Schools have made science fair an important curriculum to evade boredom and provide practical experiences. Students come up with different ideas that will surprise both teachers and their families. These projects may even be used to conduct larger experiments. Science projects have an important part to play in understanding children's interest.

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What is a Science Fair project?

A science fair project is an experiment performed to build different modules that can make everyday tasks easier. A couple of projects have been mentioned below for students to grasp the gist of it. Under the guidance of an adult, students are however expected to perform these modules. These projects can be used in both home and outdoor daily chores. Let's see how it goes.

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Good Science Fair Projects for School Students

1. Gesture Controlled Robot


An easy science fair project for youngsters, this can be operated just by hand gestures. It will require the help of an ADXL-335 accelerometer sensor. Since the kid will require basic programming knowledge this project will provide block programming modules.

Learn more about this project

2. Edge Detection Robot


This science fair project does not require prior programming knowledge as it provides block programming modules from scratch. Kids will learn to build a robot that will detect edges or corners and automatically change its direction. This project is based on IR sensors.

Learn more about this project

3. Fire Fighting Robot


Another science fair project providing scratch-based block programming modules. Now kids will learn how to put the fire off with this robot. This project is a working of IR sensors and uses DC fan to put off the fire.

Learn more about this science project

4. Mobile Controlled Robot


Since kids are too much into their smartphone games this will take their mind off from the games and something interesting. In this science fair project, the kids will learn how to build a robot that is controlled by a smartphone and merely requires DTMF signals from the phone to work.

Learn more about this science project

5. Line Follower Robot


Another robot project this one moves on a lie designated for it. IR sensors are used in this project for its working. Again, block programming module will help kids understand programming.

Learn more about this science project

6. Heart Rate Monitor

So now something related to health, kids will build a heart rate monitor that detects pulse and is a very beneficial device. The science project will provide a scratch-based guide to different processes. The simple programming language will be used for kids to understand well.

7. Salt Crystals Project

Here's an interesting science project for kids and that's building your salt crystals. You have to grab a jar and fill it with water. Add 1⁄2 teaspoon of salt and stir well. Now take a string and fasten a toothpick to each end. Now place the toothpicks on the edge and let the string enter the solution halfway through. Observe the string you'll notice tiny salt crystals forming on the string for some time. See that was a simple one, now try to surprise everyone at home and then at the science fair.

8. Stalactite and Stalagmites

In your science class, you have read about stalactites and stalagmites. Let's make them without having reached the caves. Take two jars, and fill them with warm water. Put as much baking soda as you wish. Now keep them placing saucer between the jars in some warm place. Now take several woollen threads and twist them placing each end on the far and the middle of it hanging just above the saucer. As you observe the solution will start passing through the thread and dripping on the saucer. As the solution is dripping the baking soda will be left behind and form stalactites and stalagmites just as you have seen in pictures inside of a cave.

9. Making of Kaleidoscope

So, you love the beautiful colors inside a kaleidoscope make your own with this simple science project now. Now take 3 perspex to form a triangle and tape them together. Tape a transparent paper on the top of this triangle folding sides of it on the shape that you just pasted. Draw another slightly bigger triangle than the transparency paper. Take a colored paper and cut into tiny pieces the colors you will see on the kaleidoscope. Put the colored paper on the side of the transparent paper and on top of that place the triangle paper slightly bigger and tape it. Let there be space between the two transparent papers for the colored paper to move. Now you can decorate your piece according to your own will. Your kaleidoscope is ready. Watch it through it the colors moving around.

10. Simple Microscope Project

Who would have thought about making a microscope? Practice this trick, and amaze everyone. Take a piece of fuse wire, and make a one end loop. For a drop to form on the loop, dip it in some water. Place a magazine, or whatever you wish to magnify. To view the object, you must adjust the distance. You will see objects appear larger than the size of them. Your microscope is ready to do it yourself.

Explore all our science fair projects

I hope you got some good project ideas for your school science fair. If you have any queries or suggestions let us know in the comments.

Thank you!

Good science fair projects for school students
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-03-13

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