Robotics for kids

Drones and Robotics - A Great Way to Teach Coding for Kids

With the advancement in technology and the development of smart devices, Coding has become the driving force of this modern era. From a simple mobile device to a complex supercomputer everywhere coding plays a major role. Thus it would be a great advantage if one has hands-on coding experience. But most of us have a misunderstanding that coding is not too easy to learn. Because of this younger generation also not showing much interest in coding. 

Introducing Coding for kids at an early age will provide more benefits. But most kids nowadays are more obsessed with Nintendo Switch, Minecraft and other games. To make kids interested in coding clever minds came up with the idea of teaching coding for kids using drones and robotics

Kids are always attracted to things that excite them most. Robotics and Drones are such things that help them to learn and play at the same time. This article briefs how robotics and drones can be used to teach coding for kids, and the benefits of teaching coding for kids. 

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Note about Robotics for kids Note:

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Robotics for kids Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Robotics Explorer (Age 11+)

2. Robotics Champion (Age 14+)

3. Coding Champion (Age 14+)

4. Coding Starter (Age 8+)

5. Coding Explorer (Age 11+)

6. Drones Starter (Age 8+)

7. Drones Explorer (Age 11+)

8. Drones Champion (Age 14+)

How Robotics and Drones can be used to teach coding for kids?

Unlike the traditional way of teaching Robotics, Drones involve practical education where kids get the opportunity to show their creativity in action. Let’s take a brief look at each technology:

Coding for kids using Robotics:

Robotics is a technology that is widely used in various fields such as manufacturing industries, Space exploration, Smart home devices, and many more. Thus, learning robotics will not only make kids good in coding but also teach them this futuristic technology. 

For instance, we at Skyfi Labs conduct robotics classes for kids where kids get to work practically with STEM robotics kits and develop various robotics projects. As part of the robotics program, kids will learn and develop various robots such as Line following robot, Obstacle avoiding robot, Obstacle following robot, Light following robot, Gesture controlled robot, etc. While building these robots they will also learn to program them. Kids will use block-based Scratch programming language and Arduino programming language to give instructions to the robot. Below are the robotics classes for kids based on their school grade level:

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Latest projects on Robotics for kids

Want to develop practical skills on Robotics for kids? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

Coding for kids using Drones:

Nowadays drones are becoming very popular and they are widely used in areas like agriculture, surveillance, mapping, construction, inspection, and many more. Introducing drones for kids at a young age will help them secure a better future. It also drags them outdoors and makes them physically active. 

Kids are always excited about flying. Drones are one such thing where all the kids have a dream to own and fly a drone by themselves. Skyfi Labs Drones classes for kids bring their dreams to come true by making kids build and fly their own drones from scratch. In this drone class, kids will first understand the flight dynamics of drones, sensors used in drones, and aerodynamics of flying objects. After learning the basic drone concepts they will learn to program the drone and make the drone to perform tricky stunts that are difficult even for experienced drone pilots. Reactive drone, Chuck to fly, Open sesame, phone clone, etc. are some experiments that kids will do as part of this drone class. Below are the drones classes for kids based on their school grade level:

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How to build Robotics for kids projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Robotics for kids Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Robotics for kids today!

Benefits of teaching coding for kids

If you want to make your child become successful in his/her career then help your child to learn to code. Coding for kids not only helps kids to improve their programming skills but also gives them valuable life skills. From problem-solving, creativity, job opportunities, and communication there are many reasons to teach coding for kids. Let’s look into some of them:

  1. When a kid starts learning to code he/she understands the working of the technology around them. For instance, if your kid is playing a game on mobile he/she will start thinking about how the characters are developed and how it is controlled. 
  2. Problem-solving is an integral part of coding. While writing code for a game or an application the kid tries to break down the complex code into simpler steps to get the desired result.
  3. Math is always a scary subject for most of the students but coding helps kids to gain math skills without even realizing it. Because coding uses interactive animations, games, and several other techniques to make the learning process more fun.
  4. Coding provides endless possibilities where kids can do whatever they want. Kids can tell stories, develop games, applications, websites, and animations and can even create websites with the help of coding. Thus coding helps kids to expand their creativity. 
  5. Coding is not just about typing lines of code it makes kids think. While writing code, kids will think and figure out the best solution to solve the problem. This helps them to improve logical and computational thinking. 

Best Programming languages for kids

Never think that your child is too early for coding, the earlier you start the better their chances of getting success. With the innovation in teaching methodology and the development of coding languages for kids, even a 5-year-old can easily understand the coding concepts. Below is the list that provides you some of the best and easiest coding languages for kids. 

  1. Scratch
  2. Blockly
  3. Java
  4. Swift
  5. Lua
  6. C++
  7. Python
  8. JavaScript
  9. Ruby
  10. Alice
  11. HTML

In Summary

If you look around the world from Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs everyone started their fortune with the help of coding. Do you think they learned to code in college? All of them started to code at their school itself. Thus help your kid to learn coding today to create a better tomorrow. 

Drones and Robotics - A Great Way to Teach Coding for Kids
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2024-01-25

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