
Bluetooth controlled Hexapod

The world of robotics has been amazing the word for years now. From a time when robots where main characters of science fiction movies, we came to a situation where kids play with robotic toys. Like any other technology, robotics has also become common and accessible to even the general public. However, the field is really wide and we have small toy robots for big robotic manufacturing units. Today we will be seeing about a common robot that is getting popular among the general public known as the hexapod.

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Bluetooth controlled Hexapod project Looking to build projects on Robotics?:

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1. Animatronic Hand

2. Surveillance Robot

3. 7 Robots (Combo Course)

4. Robotic Arm

5. Biped Walking Robot

6. Sensor Guided Robotics

7. Hexapod

8. Swarm Robotics

9. Mobile Robotics

10. Sixth Sense Robot

11. 2 Mechatronics Projects

12. Gesture Based Robotics

13. Voice Controlled Robot

14. WiFi Controlled Robot

15. Maze Solver Robot

16. Bluetooth Robotics

17. Fire Fighting Robot

A creepy looking robot with six legs is called Hexapod. It is inspired by the biological characteristics of a spider. There have been few companies that launched such robots commercially. Today we can build a similar robot at home that can be wirelessly controlled with the help of Bluetooth. The hexapod comes with a lot of applications and can be used for many purposes. You can even fix a camera and use this as a movable camera stand.

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Project implementation

The hexapod is built with six legs and given a Bluetooth module to connect with a Windows PC to control the movement. The project is aiming to build the robot at home in a cheap budget. So we are using paperclips as the legs of the robot and other parts can also be purchased from online or a local electric shop.

USB Servo controller: The servo controllers act as the heart of this project. This will be the main board in which the whole robot will be built. All the important components will be connected to this.

Servo motor: We use a small and low weight servo motor in this project. The servo motor controls the movement of the robot. Sensors are also added to this motor to control the movement and give proper stability.

Distance sensor: A digital distance sensor is added to our hexapod robot. This sensor is essential to find an object near to the robot. This can sense objects as far as 10cms from the robot and help in avoiding direct contact that can have an impact on the robot body.

Rechargeable battery pack: The total battery pack will have a 4.8v and 200 mAh capacity. This is created by combining four AAA cell batteries. You can also use other combinations according to your actual requirements.

Paper clips: Instead of buying a lot of metal parts we are using paper clips as legs of the robot. The paper clips are unfolded to get the length.

Bluetooth modem: We are wirelessly connecting the body of the robot with our system using Bluetooth. Once connected and configured we can control the movement of the robot using key combinations in the windows computer.

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Kit required to develop Bluetooth controlled Hexapod:
Technologies you will learn by working on Bluetooth controlled Hexapod:
Bluetooth controlled Hexapod
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-20

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