Today the most important aspect all of concerned very much is Security Systems. Consider Home security. Generally, we have door locks. Imagine that you had locked your house and went outside. Suppose you had lost your key, What will you do? Obviously, we need to break the look or order new key. Both will take certain and money. Through this project, you are going to build a unique Security system where you can open/close the lock with your mobile.
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3. Robotic Arm
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If we are using mobile communication obviously we will go for wireless communication like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi technology, GSM technology. Among these things, most effective communication is GSM, because it can be operated from a very long distance and Output will be very accurate because we are going to control the door locks by an SMS using GSM modem. This modem uses a SIM card and operates through a subscription with the mobile operator. GSM is generally called as Modem (Global System for Mobile Communications). It is a wireless communication module, which will be used to communicate with a computer or processor over the network. The GSM modem uses a variation of TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) which is most commonly used of the digital wireless telephony technologies like TDMA, GSM, and CDMA.
This GSM modem needs a SIM card to operate through a network range subscribed by the network operator. This modem can be connected to a computer via a serial, Bluetooth or USB connection. This modem is also a standard GSM mobile phone with a suitable cable and software driver to connect to a USB port on your PC. Generally, this modem is preferred instead of a GSM mobile phone. In addition to this, we can add Wi-Fi module, to upload the data to the remote cloud, to access it from anywhere in the world.
You will program the microcontroller in such a way that says whenever you send SMS to the SIM inside the GSM module, from your operational mobile, the door lock will be opened.
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When the GSM modem is connected to the microcontroller, it communicates with a mobile via a UART protocol and requires three basic signals such as TXD, RXD, and GND. The GSM modem is connected to the microcontroller, it controls the appliances through an SMS. This modem always monitors the signals from the input. When the modem receives the SMS from an operational phone, serially that data is sent to the microcontroller. This microcontroller compares this data with the stored data. If the compared data match with the stored data, then the microcontroller generates corresponding signals to control the load.
Programming language: Arduino Programming (C++)
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