These devices are very useful for athletes. It will provide the athletes real-time updates of angle, direction, acceleration, etc. It is also very helpful during their training. The device is very useful for their health and they get help from this device by knowing their health status. It is also very helpful for the audience as the audience can understand the game. Also, a player can improve their performance due to this device and learn new skills. One of the key points of this device is that it is Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled. It will collect the data and send it to the cloud so that it can be accessed from anywhere we want to.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
Project description
Wi-Fi and mesh enabled device: We will need this device for setting up the process and we can require many devices like this for the mesh. We can choose the argon device for this purpose. We need to download an app on smartphones and want to set it up with an argon device.
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MP6050 SENSOR, MAX 30100 SENSOR: For the coding purpose, we will require some libraries and variables for the sensor. In this IoT enables smart device project, we will use the same sensors library. Forever prototypes we will also require sensors. We need to be connected to the components.
BLUETOOTH HC 05: It is an optional device. We may require it for getting live data from Bluetooth. We need to connect Bluetooth to our PC for getting the live report.
Project implementation
We need to turn on our Wi-Fi router. Then we need it to wait for some time when the lights get Blue. It means that our device gets connected.
After that, you need to choose a device. You need to update the code with the OTA particle. Allow it to connect to Wi-Fi and cloud.
For getting live data through Bluetooth we need to do the following procedures:
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