Store Management System using JAVA
Palvi Soni

Management in every field is very much needed these days. Handling all the data manually by writing on the registers is a tough call. So here we have come up with store management system that not only makes good schedules but also work with regular updates of the store. This system is designed keeping the fact in mind that all dealers and manufacturers co-ordinate on time so that their profit will rise.
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Software used in this project
- For creating front end- HTML
- For doing styling effects-CSS
- For writing source code-Java
- For making dynamic content for web-JSP
- For storing data in the backend side-MYSQL
- For providing full web environment-Apache Tomcat
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Vital functions of this project
- To aware the manufacturer regarding dealer’s day to day needs
- Maintain all records about transactions.
- To generate regular reports about sales and demanding products.
Modules of the store management system
- Admin module
- Manufacturer module
- Dealer module
Functions of these three modules is as under:-
Admin module
Admin is the person who manages everything. So the main duty of admin is to control login ids of the manufacturer. He /she can add or delete manufacturers depending upon the situation. He can regularly check the day-to-day activities of the manufacturer.
Manufacturer module
- Create login ids for dealers: Manufacturer adds login ids for a new dealer and generate random passwords for them. Every dealer provided with unique dealer_id .
- Update details: Manufacturer can update his profile and dealer profile as well. He can delete dealer id any time.
- Add new products/Delete products: Manufacturer adds new products on time along with its specifications on it, he also can delete out of stock products or outdated products.
- Mark cost price for products: He can mark the cost depending upon the situation by adding discount criteria
- Track payments of dealers: He tracks payments from the dealer by filling their unique dealer_ids.
- Check purchase history of dealer: He can also check the purchase history of the dealer in sequence.
- Track contract details: Manufacturer can track contract time length with different dealers.
- Generate and view reports: Manufacturer can generate reports on the dealers's demand and also he can view that.
- Login: Dealer can log in by his unique login_ids by filling password
- Request for order: He chooses particular and sent a request for buying to the manufacturer.
- Checking out historical data: Dealer has the privilege to check out the demand of products for a regular basis, by this, he will alert manufacturer about relevant product supply to the manufacturer.
- Mark selling price: Dealer can mark the price on items after purchasing those in bulk from the manufacturer.
- Make payments: Dealer makes payments to the manufacturer about his latest purchase.
- Buying history: Dealer can also check out the items which he has purchased.
- Increase contract time: Dealer also can increase his contract time with the manufacturer if he like the services of manufacturers.
- View reports: He can check out his reports regarding buying products, payment, request for particular products etc.
Advantages of this project
It ensures single-point delivery
It is reliable and secure.
It saves time by ensuring no delays
It works on the safe handling of commodities.
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Kit required to develop Store Management System using JAVA:
Technologies you will learn by working on Store Management System using JAVA:
Store Management System using JAVA
Skyfi Labs
2020-02-18 •
Last Updated: