Internet of Things

Smart Irrigation Using IoT


Farmers have large portions of land which they use for farming and irrigation. It is difficult for them to track and take care of each portion of it. There is a possibility of uneven crop distribution or uneven water from sprinklers. This results in loss of crop and leads to financial loss as well. This is where IoT changes dynamics and eases the work of farmers. This IoT based system uses the nodemcu and dht11 sensor to trace the moisture level in the soil and also tracks the condition of the land. It uses thingspeak to receive data from the system and cluster it to get a detailed report of the land. Water pumps and incorporated on the system to regulate and sprinkle water when the soil needs it.

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  1. Nodemcu
  2. Soil moisture sensor
  3. Arduino UNO
  4. Water pump
  5. Relay module
  6. Dht11
  7. Jumpers

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Different crops have different needs for adequate soil, moisture, temperature, and humidity. Here, in this project we consider the crop to have 55-60% of soil moisture. The soil moisture sensor is immersed in the soil, the sensor reads the moisture level in the soil and uses thinspeak to transmit data. The data is analyzed by the program written in the Arduino. If the level of moisture is less than the required one, then the relay module switches the water pump on. This sprinkles the water across the soil using the sprinklers. Once the desired level of moisture is attained, the pump is switched off and the sprinklers stop. In the system, we can integrate the temperature and humidity sensor to collect data about the temperature and humidity of the crop and provide the necessary sunlight or shade for better yield. The project works using IoT, the data can be monitored from anywhere in the world using thingspeak.

Future scope:

The IoT project is beneficial to farmers and since it can be monitored from anywhere it becomes flexible and efficient. With this, there is a chance of minimizing the loss of crop and increase productivity. The production of the crop will increase if the system is autonomous, the crops which need water will get water instantly as soon as the soil moisture level decreases. Similarly, if the temperature isn't adequate, that can be taken care of as well. If the data shows a rise in temperature then what the crop needs, the farmers can put a temporary shade.


The smart irrigation system is devised to yield crop production using IoT. The project is autonomous and doesn't require any manpower for its functioning. It uses the data fetched from sensors, processes it using the algorithms and activates the water pump when the moisture level decreases in the soil. The project is aimed to release the stress of the farmers and eliminate the need for farmers moving around to each corner of the land.

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Kit required to develop Smart Irrigation Using IoT:
Technologies you will learn by working on Smart Irrigation Using IoT:
Smart Irrigation Using IoT
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-07-03

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